You loved her, all of her. You'd of done everything you could just to make hers a better day. How does it feel to learn everything you've been told is a lie? To know that someone could care that little about you, to destroy your soul? I am bound to her by my love, that girl which was once shown to me, the demon who locked her away. But my love has died, suffocated against the world, drowned by the tears she shed for the lives ripped away from her. Goodbye my love the chain that binds us has been broken. You carry your torment with you. I know, bottle up that rage. let it cry down on your enemy. Let them see my pain. I look for the good in our life and I see many fine things.Mine are wordsof life, of feeling, of the mind. Yours are words of treachery, greed and sin. See that princess angel flutter down to you, the demon, with her shining halo and her magnificent wings. What's that? A flash of carnage across her eyes? She slams the dagger down hard killing the demon slowly and painfully as the blade turns in his flesh. All this you see, all this you feel, this pain you know. But everything happens for a reason. What if this girl had never come along. Your words would be dull and meaningless, your mind would be dim and monotone, your thoughts would be dark and chaotic. You have your life back. You found the girl to break your lock and break the chain. If this evil, your princess had never locked away your life, your soul, you may have never met her, your sledgehammer, the one who set you free and gave you her life and returned yours.
Thank you. Thank you both.

For Amanda Wright and Whitney Walgamot

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