My Friend

I met you in kindergarten, amidst finger paint and dress up clothes. You let me chase you then, under the slide and over the red brick wall, slicing the playground in half. I loved you even then. When you left me I thought my world was over, I cried on that playground- cried when you left and went to another school. But all was not lost, because I had your phone number, scribbled in crayon on construction paper. I held on to that paper for dear life, until I got home and could hear your voice. I was only eight but I loved you. You were my friend. I never saw you all that much after that. But every now and then I'd call your house and ask you do you know who this is? Do you remember me? I felt like that was enough. Just once in awhile I liked to know that you remembered me the way that I remembered you. I didn't care that you were mean to me, that you often teased me. I loved you anyway. So when I saw you smoking in that back alley behind the mall I was scared. I remembered you as the cute little boy I chased on recess. Not this stranger grinning at me with guilt shinning in his eyes. Thats when you got really mean. Meaner than before. Your words stung me. And I lashed back. Slammed the phone done on you and never spole to you after that. But I always wondered where you were. I wondered what you were doing. If you were still even alive. Now I know where you are. You're doing perfectly fine. I'm shocked that you're the same as ever. Or so Cassie says. Shes says you're a stupid asshole who doesn't do his work and just goes out with people so that he can get some. That sounds like you. Too bad I'm not happy you haven't changed. Too bad I still care. I want to call you and have you talk to me the way you used to. I don't care if you're still filled with lies to impress me. I just want to hear your voice again.

--- My friend

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