January 8th, 2009
One fanfiction added to the XMen Evolution page, "Lovebirds," and one fanfiction added to the TMNT page, "Close Enough." 

August 20th 2008
One fanfic added to the XMen: Evolution section; The Seven Deadly Sins. 

August 6th, 2008
Mercurian Dandelions is back in business!  All pages are up and running.  There are TWENTY fanfics in the XMen: Evolution section, all Todd/Kurt, seven fanfics in the TMNT sections of various pairings, three fics in Lilo and Stitch, four in Mario Brothers, and four in Misc.  That oughta keep you busy for a while. 

If anyone finds any links that don't work, any errors on the pages, or have any ideas for how I can make this page better (I haven't done a website in forever)
email me.