All right ladies and gentlemen
This is going to be a new and improved pic page for us.
You'll have to give me a little bit of a break -
It's been a while since I've done the HTML thing.

If you don't see a pic of yourself up, it's because for some reason they disappeared from the sister site I had them stored in.
I don't know what happened to them, but feel free to send me another one @
as well as any suggestions, comments, or complaints.

Last updated on 7-19-02

So far the only new thing up is a pic of me, and also the page for our newest member - Tyger.
Slowly I'll be replacing backgrounds and trying to make the pages look cooler - just give me a little bit of time.

Click on the button below to go to the list of pics.


Click on the button below to go to the
"You know you're a Smitty addict when. . ." page
By Rachel.


Click on the button below to go to the Hometown camera's page, by Rachel.


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I refuse to beg.