Javelin's Fiction

I like to write, so you gotta problem with that? Anywayz, I don't have much stuff coz my computer broke a few months ago and all that was left was posted in my website. It's quite a good thing those didn't disappear coz they were the ones that meant a lot to me.

Hmm...as you can see, I have some Final Fantasy lyrics I wrote from their tunes. I'm still writing poems...so I might put 'em here! These won't all be Fanfics, coz I'll be posting my originals too. None so far, except for my story, Eternal Skies. Watch out for that one! Please read!!


Final Fantasy IX Lyrics
A heaping dose of FF9 lyrics! Alexandria, Dali, Eiko's theme and many more...See for yourself!

Bringing my Life with You
a poem from the dear Princess Garnet showing all how much she wants to express her love to Zidane!

Forgotten to be Loved
a poem from the Dragon Knight Freya who tells what she has felt for Sir Fratley all these years!

FF.net and FicPress.net

My account was filled with my works. I deleted them coz some bimbo kept dissing me. My works will be up in some time...My penname is Ice Javelin. Sorry if I changed my name a million times!! I wasn't satisfied!!




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Eternal Skies


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