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     In conclusion, the military in part, contributed to the decline and fall of the

Roman Empire. The impact of the military, such as decisions and problems within the
army were factors that led to the eventual collapse of the Empire. The problems of
the military was that there wasn't enough money to spend on the soldiers and on
weapons and armor. Therefore, the quality of the weapons and armor were poor, and
the soldiers recieved low pay. Recruiting men for the army was another problem.
Many people didn't want to join the army because of the low pay. As a result, the
military resorted to recruiting barbarians. These barbarians were willing to join
the army, either to stop the Romans from invading their territory, or because they
wanted citizenship. The army was less organized and enemy barbarians used this as
an advantage. Several barbaric tribes, such as the Huns and the Vandals, started
attacking the Empire. The city of Rome was sacked by the Huns and Vandals, and after
the last Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was overthrown, the Western Empire fell and
collapsed. Thus, the military did contribute to the fall, and the army played a major role.
