Military Decisions and Tatics

Military Decisions and Tactics

One of the major military decisions was the recruitment
of barbarians. The military resorted to recruiting barbarians
because there were less Romans willing to join the army. The
military recruited barbarians for lower pay, and allowed them
to become Roman citizens if they stayed in the army for a certain
amount of years. Some barbarians were willing to fight members
of the same tribe to join the Roman army, others joined because
they wanted the Romans to stop invading their territories. The army
was mainly Germanic because most of the soldiers were barbarians.
In fact, many barbarians were in control of the army, which was
a reason why the Roman armies were inadequate in their fighting.
The army was unorganized, and there was a decrease in the fighting

     Male Roman citizens tried to avoid the draft. There was low pay and physical hardships 

in the army. In fact, many men went as far as to amputate their thumbs so they couldn't
carry a gun. However, the Roman government soon found out about this and they forced
people to join the army, regardless of their handicap.
