Council Chamber

The Council Chamber is one of the largest and most often used rooms in New Warren. It serves as both a meeting place for the Council members and an entrance to the vast tunnels of the underground cavern. Though there are other, smaller entrances, many people prefer this route because of its amazing arcitechture and rare splendors. At the moment, the Council Chamber is under going renovations so it may be more inviting to guests in the future.

You decend from the sturdy, leather saddle of the green beauty that had brought you here and thank her rider for a smooth ride. Anything less might have made you loose your lunch. The rider salutes and the pair take off, leaving you alone on the grassy terrence which opens up to the massive double doors of the Council Chamber. You dare not peer over the edge of the cliff, knowing that at least 200 ft. of air separates you from the ground. Turning, you walk swiftly towards the front doors and seek a entrace that wouldn't require dragon strength to open.

The doors themselves are nearly 60 ft. tall, built to accomidate the largest dragon of the Warren. Each side has been lovingly carved out of thick, hard oakwood. Images of massive dragons slide like silk across the surface, gleaming in the mid-day light. Out of the corner of your eye you catch sight of a smaller, gold-inlaid door which has been convinently built for humans and the smaller counterparts of dragons.

You cross the distance to the other door and tug on the bronze handle, only to find it locked. Glancing around for another entrance, you shrug in defeat and decide to try again at a later date.