                                                      Supreme Kai Vs. Goten
supreme kai was unexpectedly dosing off when a pain shot his back. He saw a  glimpse of a small figure that looks a lot like goku. When Goten finally  stops supreme kai realizes that it is Goten and smirks. Supreme kai says, "  You're a fool. You can't beat me!" then Goten says, "well I can try." with a  sneer. Goten runs at supreme kai picks up speed and elbows the supreme kai  in the face causing severe bleeding in the great kais nose. Goten laughs at  the pathetic kai shaking with fear. Supreme kai then says, "I gave you that 1 for free" as he wipes the blood off of his mouth. The startled Goten starts to shake then flashes when he powers up. He sends out 5 energy dans at the kai and the first to hit with force causing the kai to fall backwards. The kai already bleeding as it is, the blast made his shirt rip and cuts in his body. Supreme kai powers up, dashes at Goten and blurs behind him. Goten questions his saneness but then realizes that it is real when supreme kai elbows him in his back causing Goten to crash into 5 trees head first. Supreme kai laughs and says, " I told you..." when Goten turns around he was smiling. Then he said " you're a weak pathetic fool and shouldn't be so mean." he sends out 5 kicks into the kais gut, and every one of them connects. Kai loses his breathe then tries to escape, but Goten elbows him to the ground and says  "not this time." the supreme kai curses in rage and sends out 5 punches in Goten’s head which causes Goten to be knocked out cold (or as supreme kai thinks). The supreme kai flies up then crashes down at Goten with fist raised. Goten caught the fist and kicked supreme kai into the air in which supreme kai fell on his face into the ground 4 feet. He kisses Goten’s feet then Goten kicks him in the face causing him to be knocked out cold.

Goten: 3,000 Pl and loses 5%health. 
Supreme kai: 2,000pl and loses  25%health.
                                                                Cell Saga

All the fighters gather for the big fight but when they all get there they see Android 18 and Cell talking about a transformation until Cell starts to power up and then fires a ki blast at Android 18's torso which makes him fly back and hit a tree. Android 18 fires a big bang attack at Cell but it has no affect, then Cell fires a Kamehameha wave at Android 18 and it knocks him back more and destroys some of his parts. Android 18 then fires a ki blast at Cells face but it has no affect. Cell then beats Android 18 with punches and kicks, then Android 18 tries to run away but Cell grabs him and slams him to the ground making him go through several 100 feet below ground. Cell then picks Android 18 and starts to absorb him slowly with all the fighters watching with fear and confusion. Android 18 is getting slowly sucked up. Cell then sucks Android 18 all the way and transformed into a new Cell. Then after his new transformation he challenges all the fighters or else he would destroy the Earth. All the fighters start to attack Cell with punches and kicks and some ki blasts but then Cell powers up and blows away everyone with his power level. Trunks, Gohan, Supreme Kai, and Chibi Trunks get their balance back and team up and start to beat Cell down with punches and kicks. Trunks then fires a ki blast at Cell but it doesn't do anything. Gohan also fires a ki blast at Cell but Cell dodges it and fires a ki blast at Gohan that knocks him out cold. Turles gets up and charges at Cell but Cell does a Big Bang attack at Turles, which kills him. Chibi Trunks and Trunks do a team attack of ki blasts at Cell which make him fly back but then Cell counters it with a Large ki blast that blows Trunks and Chibi Trunks away. Supreme Kai goes up behind Cell and grabs him but Cell flips him forward and punches him in the gut making him loess his breath. Goten gets up and fires a trio of ki blasts but Cell throws them back at Goten and Goten dodges them and does a destructo disk which misses and Cell fires a Beam of energy at Goten’s shoulder making him fall to the ground bleeding bad, and since the bleeding he loess his conusance. Vegeta then fires a big bang attack at Cell which knocks Cell down but Cell get up and punches Vegeta in the stomach and then upper cutting him in the air then firing a ki blast at Vegeta killing him. Trunks then flies to Cell and punches him in the mouth but Cell knocks him down to the ground with a punch to the face.  Supreme Kai gets up from the ground and goes to Cell and Cell smashes one of Supreme Kai's ribs in and throws him to the ground. Then Future Gohan, Goku Jr, Goku, Broli, Ubuu, Hercule, Piccolo, Frieza, Dabura, and Pikkon use all their energy to fire hundreds of small ki blasts at Cell, which hit him but don't kill him. Then Cell powers up more and knocks the fighters down and shoots a laser beam towards Broli, Ubuu, and Pikkon, which kills them when hit. Trunks gets up because he sees everyone dieing and goes up to Cell and gets knocked back down with a ki blast to the chest. Goku then sneaks up behind Cell and puts him in a lock and Piccolo hits Cell in the stomach with a ki beam but Cell isn't affected and throws Goku to the ground and fires 2 ki blasts at Piccolo. Cell then starts to gather energy for a strong attack with the fighters down from the injuries and damage done to them by Cell. Trunks then gather all the energy possible to gather in his status and fires a ki blast at Cell but doesn't do anything but give him more energy. Cell finishes his energy gathering and unleashes a Spirit Bomb on all the fighters killing Future Gohan and badly injuring the rest so that they can't battle anymore.

Future Trunks- Gains 10,700pl and loss 50% life
Turles- Gains 11,000 pl and died
Gohan- Gains 11,300pl and loss 50% life
Vegeta- Gains 10,400pl and died
Goku- Gains 11,300pl and loss 50% life
Goten- Gains 11,400pl and loss 60% life
Future Gohan- Gains 11,300pl and loss 50% life
Chibi Trunks- Gains 11,200pl and loss 60% life
Goku Jr.- Gains 10,600pl and loss 50% life
Broli- Gains 10,400pl and died
Ubuu- Gains 10,500pl and died
Hercule- Gains 10,450pl and loss 60% life
Piccolo- Gains 10,700pl and loss 50% life
Frieza- Gains  10,350pl and loss  60% life
Supreme Kai- Gains  12,100pl and loss  85% life
Dabura- Gains  10,570pl and loss  55% life
Pikkon- Gains  10,600pl and died

Cell- Gained 6,000 from fight and lost 40% life and 400,000pl from Transformation