hi ! it's just a guestbook.nothing special 'bout it except if u write something on it. so be my guest and make this guestbook special...

cranky_angel - 11/17/00 02:10:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/crankz/jazz/index.htm
where r u ?: australia
Just dropping by to welcome you to wonderful WOSIB. Hope you will enjoy this bunch as much as I do. Thanks for sharing your site with us :)

cherylrette333 - 11/15/00 13:44:35
My URL:http://mypage.campuspipeline.com/cheryl/CherylLeighCorbett.html
My Email:CherylLeighCorbett@hotmail.com
how did u find my site ?: Geocities
what did u like most about my site ?: Screen effects
what didn't u like ?: I liked everything
where r u ?: SC
I loved your site. It's really kewl.

Linda Tognetti - 11/15/00 02:33:12
My URL:http://lindatog.tripod.com
My Email:ltrink2@pacbell.net
how did u find my site ?: wosib
where r u ?: San Francisco Bay Area
I wanted to stop by and say hello to our new WOSIB Friend.
I’m sure you will find the ladies in this wondeful group as compassionate and friendly as I have. If I can help you in any way, please let me know.

hondamark - 11/01/00 06:30:41
My Email:hondamarrkk@aol.com
how did u find my site ?: through yahoo
what did u like most about my site ?: the stories about love cause i think that i'm in love now
what didn't u like ?: no pictures....
where r u ?: home...state of virginia
well i'm in love right now or atleast i think that i am ,i'm only 19 well i'm be 20 in less than a month..but i would just like to know how people know when it is the right person to marry cause my parents where never married and now they are separated af erbeing together 21 years but that is another story i would love to know how people know when they think that someone is the person they were meant to be with forever cause the girl i'm dating now that's the way i think..and she is only 17..is that too yo ng for me ??? cause age is nothing but a number and you can't help who you love or how someone else feels bout you..but if i could get these few questions answered then i would be happy ..i think..well gotta go give my girl somemore of my heart..thanx

- 10/28/00 16:20:39

Sue - 10/18/00 18:17:21
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/sbotchie/TheLobby.html
My Email:SBotchie@aol.com
how did u find my site ?: Women's webring
what did u like most about my site ?: It's not a(nother) fembot site
what didn't u like ?: Font's too small
where r u ?: Pennsylvania
Dear Demadenoche, What??? Your father didn't go to "kounseling." He finally was able to call together courage, and so, resolve his malfunction, on his own--with the help of God. Wow! Sue Ps. Don't let the mental-health MAGGOTS get wind of this

qirin - 10/13/00 07:27:39
My Email:shaqirin@hotmail.com
how did u find my site ?: just surf the net
what did u like most about my site ?: many things that we can talk about
what didn't u like ?: something that makes me feel bored easilly
where r u ?: tawau, sabah MALAYSIA
this site can help to solve my problem if I do have so. Sometimes, you can make it away just visit your site.....Thanx a lot..!!

Tiger - 10/11/00 13:23:03
My URL:i dont have one
My Email:ishwar.p@usa.net
how did u find my site ?: Generally got it on search......
what did u like most about my site ?: I love it
what didn't u like ?: u havent put ur photo
where r u ?: Hyderabad, INDIA
I liked the site a lot and want u to mail me if u could. I want to know more about how did u feel when u r absued? I wanna know the feeling since i am also hurt a lot when i was a kid. Now i am fine. And i love to talk to people like u. If u dont mind. U ay mail me.

Dolly - 10/09/00 11:16:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org
how did u find my site ?: by accident
what did u like most about my site ?: I don't know
what didn't u like ?: nothing
where r u ?: i'm in my home
Your site is a good one,but it doesn't have something like 'ROMANTIC'. When I opened your site I thought there must be something romantic,but I was wrong, you have just told about 'Wath is Love'. Please do write something romantic, like about kissing, hu ing, the relation between a young lady and a man. THANK YOU

Shona - 10/05/00 14:51:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/shonarina
My Email:shonarina@yahoo.com
how did u find my site ?: surfing
where r u ?: singapore...at home?
god bless u!

jan - 10/04/00 14:43:39
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/dragoncapricorn
how did u find my site ?: Well, i made it !
Hi everyone ! I made this site coz ,after all these years, I still haven't told anybody I know about the stories I shared with all of you here. Not my family, not my friends, not even my husband. I didn't really think that I'll make this public. I didn't even considere listing my site. I just wanted it to be a diary, I've never even tried writing my story, my feelings, my thoughts, coz i don't want anybody to know, not even a piece of paper. I don't want anybody to look at me differently, I don't want anybody to pity e after knowing what I went through. I wanted to show everybody I'm just a normal person. I just lived an ordinary life, no stories to tell, no pains to share. But then i surfed the web and i found people who went under the same things i did and i thought maybe i can help someone if i shared my stories, coz i know i'm never gonna get over it unless i tell someone about it. and now I'M FREE! thanks everyone, for the kind words and the lovely thoughts, all of you gave me more strenght to carry on, no man is an island, i know that for sure. the load felt a lot lighter now that i finally shouted it out. i know i'm not pitied upon. and i know i d d a very brave thing. thanks again! p.s. i'm not julie, i'm jan, julie sent me an e-mail and i thought maybe it would be a lot better if i shared her story to all of you on my messageboard and i think she's thankful for that coz she got all of the advices you left her. i still haven't heard from her, but i just pray she makes the right decisions...

Robbin - 10/02/00 18:49:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/robbinsnest/index.html
My Email:robbin_m@hotmail.com
how did u find my site ?: From a webring
what did u like most about my site ?: How you share your story
what didn't u like ?: You should take this question out...there's nothing bad about your site sweetie!!
where r u ?: Florida
Hey there! I just wanted to stop by to invite you to join GAWOT, but I see that Shari has beat me to it! lol...I hope you will consider joining us! Thank you for sharing your story...I know it's a hard thing to do..I didn't do it until I was 38 years ol . You are very brave...and remember each day is a step on your healing journey! Hugs...Robbin

Shari - 10/02/00 15:11:10
My URL:http://angelfire.lycos.com/sd/sharsmidis/sharicorner.html
My Email:shariohio@hotmail.com
how did u find my site ?: a freind
what did u like most about my site ?: your story
what didn't u like ?: nothing!
where r u ?: Ohio
Julie, Your story made me cry. you are to be admired for telling others, you will help so many victims of abuse. I am sending you a huge hug!! We must protect our children. We need to join hands across the internet. We can make a difference. *S* I want to invit you to join a webring, Guardian Angels Watching Over Them. We address childrens issues, especially child porn on the net. Please take a look at our homepage and consider joining. I know you would be a valuable member. ~Shari~

Betty - 10/02/00 07:43:10
My URL:http://memesplace.homestead.com/homepage1.html
My Email:woodardd@pernet.net
how did u find my site ?: surf
what did u like most about my site ?: honesty
where r u ?: Tx
My Dear you have a strong message. I truely believe you love your husband. All women have dreams about that far off *SHINING MAN IN ARMOR* We were made to dream. Women are made of softness and dreaming is one of the soft side of us. Take care and hugz to you and yours Betty GAWOT

Ja - 10/02/00 03:12:39

azn gigglez - 10/02/00 02:08:19
My Email:lil_innocent21@yahoo.com
how did u find my site ?: juss browsing
what did u like most about my site ?: umm i liked da writings
what didn't u like ?: i didnt like dat sad part wid da marriage
where r u ?: im at home, in LA, kali4nia
nice hp bye bye azn pryde to da fullest

cyrixgirl - 09/29/00 17:51:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/cyrixgirl
Hello Finding true love is not easy, if you ever found your love, dont let go easy, always sharing, caring and enjoy the value of the good time together..

nanz - 09/29/00 08:13:32
My URL:http://www.nanz-online.de
My Email:nancy_pascual@hotmail.com
how did u find my site ?: canīt remember!
what did u like most about my site ?: all entire page
what didn't u like ?: no pic of you
where r u ?: Germany
youīve been searching about what love is: above all God is love isnīt it? look.. whats happening to your life in the past.. now you have a happy family to be with always!..thank HIM for his blessing since HE all loves us..

Jacquie - 09/28/00 07:55:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Surf/9779
My Email:frohicke@hotmail.com
how did u find my site ?: Looked around.
what did u like most about my site ?: The abuse.
what didn't u like ?: Liked it all
where r u ?: Michigan
Hello, my name is Jacquie and I went through the same things you did as a child, only it was my brothers and my brothers friends. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one that had to live with that. I feel your horror, pain, and your thoughts about hat could I have done different and how could I have not brought that upon myself. I enjoyed reading your page and it made me think a lot...Thanks so much Jacquie

SlimD - 09/27/00 21:19:29
My Email:slimd@eminem.com
how did u find my site ?: cool and heart braeker
what did u like most about my site ?: the song the writings
what didn't u like ?: nothing
where r u ?: Lebanon
Keep up the good work and i got my girlfriend back because of u SO THANKS

chubie - 09/26/00 10:08:22
My Email:alice_chia_id@yahoo.com
how did u find my site ?: romance in geocities
what did u like most about my site ?: what is love.
where r u ?: indonesia
it's great

WAC - 09/20/00 20:35:56
My Email:wac@n-connect.net
how did u find my site ?: Was E-Mailed to Me
what did u like most about my site ?: The way it's Said
where r u ?: Manchester, Iowa
Say's about Every thing it Diffent Sex's Think they Know about the Oppsite Sex's. There's Much that they don't Know what the Other's are feeling about the Emontion's (Way other's Sex are Feeling in their Heart).

unreqlov - 09/16/00 19:38:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/unreqlov
what did u like most about my site ?: the honest personal expression
Thank you for leaving such a thoughtful and honest message at my website. You have many questions about love, and perhaps there is no answer to how we know when we're in love. When someone asks, I tell them that love happens when two people overcome the r fears long enough to get close...I think sometimes love is a decision and a choice, not something that just happens when we're not looking...sometimes we choose people who make us face our deepest fears, and not always the people who tell us everything e want to hear. You have had a lot of pain in your life, but you have much courage as well, and it shows in the types of questions you are asking.

Gary Cruz - 09/13/00 12:30:05
My URL:http://www.garycruz.com
how did u find my site ?: You signed my guestbook
what did u like most about my site ?: Very personal
what didn't u like ?: No pictures
where r u ?: San Francisco
Jan, I read through your entire site. You said that I was pretty blunt for a filipino guy, you have to remember, I am a 2nd Generation filipino. I was only born in the Philippines, and lived throughout the world. Your site was very good in that it is very humble and honest.

My parents had me when they couldn't really afford a child, but being in the US air force helped. I am glad that you have a happy ending and I guess I am pretty fortunate. The only sad story that I really have to share on my site is my failed relationship.

You have been through some tough times, but the one thing that I didn't see was any mention of Faith or religion. I'm no super religious person, but I do thank God everyday.

Thanks for visiting my site, www.garycruz.com.

pebbles - 09/09/00 14:28:47
My Email:pebbles200029101@yahoo.com
how did u find my site ?: email
what did u like most about my site ?: music
where r u ?: ohio

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