::if you've ever been to a Digimon site before, you'll usually see a few standard things, such as profiles, episodes summaries, pictures and so on. Here's where I've put all of mine (strictly 01-there are enough 02 sites anyways ^_^*)::

::You've seen it all before, but let's see it again::
: : Y a g a m i   T a i c h i : :
: : I s h i d a   Y a m a t o : :
Yamato was troubled in a dark cave of depression...
: : T a k e n o u c h i  S o r a : :
Sora is the mother of the group, she's concerned for everyone...
: : T a c h i k a w a  M i m i : :
Mimi's slightly spoiled, but if you need the truth, go to her...
: : K i d o   J y o u : :
Jou's cautious, maybe a bit too much, but you can count on him for anything...
keep going...   -->
Taichi's a loose, fun-loving guy, but he has a serious side too...
::Taichi tended to rush into things at first, after all, being a leader wasn't something he had had experience with, but as situations became steadily more serious as time passed, Taichi seemed to be growing more serious with them. By the end of 01, he was a changed child, spritually and physically too::
::Taichi attends Odaiba Elementary, is 11 and in the fifth grade::
::He lives with both parents, Hikari, his sister, and Miko their cat::
::Agumon (rookie) is Taichi's partner and he wears his treasured goggles constantly::
::Yamato was dubbed the "rebel" but mostly, he was just troubled. His home life, which wasn't the best, influenced Yamato and he grew up encasing himself in a spiritual shell, hiding his emotions behind a cool exterior. Halfway through 01, his depression and confusion envelops him in a dark "cave" nd with the help of his Digimon partner, he is saved. From then on, Yamato strives to be better and succeeds::
::Yamato attends Odaiba Elementary, is 11 and in the fifth grade::
::He lives with his father, but his brother and mother are close by::
::Gabumon (rookie) is his partner and a harmonica's always at his side::
::Sora posed as the motherly figure of the group. She is a bit of a tomboy, and plays soccer on a team with Taichi in the real world. But even with her cheery exterior, she has angst hidden deep inside. On two seperate occasions, she became severely depressed, the second time enough to become lost in a "cave" herself. Yamato, Jyou and Takeru help her out of it. She has issues with her mother but after a close incident with Piyomon's saftey she finds her mother cares::
::Sora attends Odaiba Elementary, is 11 and in the fifth grade::
::She lives with her mother, but has a father::
::Piyomon (rookie) is Sora's partner and she always wears her hat:: 
::Mimi's parents are rich, and she is a bit spoiled. She loves the color pink, and wears it all the time. Although Mimi can be a ditz at times, she doesn't believe in fighting and does everything she can to prevent it. She mourns for each of their Digimon friends who are killed and insists on honouring them::
::Mimi attends Odaiba Elementary, is 10 and in the fourth grade::
::She lives with both of her parents::
::Palmon (rookie) is Mimi's partner and her pink hat is always close by::
::First impressions are mostly wrong, or at least partially. Jyou is seemingly allergic to everything and very fragile, but underneath his sickly exterior, a warrior lies. Jyou wishes to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor and practices on Ogremon. The group counts on him for advice and help since he is the eldest member; Jou goes off to find Yamato when he disappears::
::Jyou attends Odaiba Elementary, is 12 and is in the 6th grade::
::He lives with his two brothers and father::
::Gomamon (rookie) is his partner and his bag is filled with supplies::