: : f a n w o r  k s : :
: : s e n d   i t   i n    f o l k s : :
::As you can see, there really isn't too much here at the moment, because YOU haven't sent in your fanwork!! ^_^ Remember guys, we're updating constantly now throughout the next few weeks so everything you send me will eventually be posted on my site!::

::Come on, I know there's a writer somewhere in all of us! Bring it out!
Send me your Sorato fanfics! I've even started to draw some Anime (and it's pretty funny to look at), you can draw too! Send me the fanart!::

::They don't even really have to be Sorato! As long as its got Sora and/or Yamato as the main focus (and they're not paired up with anyone else) you can send it in!::

::If you've got any other kind or genre of fanfiction or fanart, you can send it in too, but it might not be posted here. If you send something in that's not Sorato, check to see if I've put it up on one of my
other sites first before you flame me or start worrying::

::All right, now that I've talked a bit too much *sweatdrop* go off and WRITE! Get out those pencils and DRAW! Get going!::
: : d r a g o n f i r e : :

::art by Hikari de Devidramon::
my girlfriend::
we luv it!::
::^^ I wish I could draw on the computer as well as Hikari can...::

::art by
::lost for words::
::I LOVE you Rocke! My fic ::lost:: finally has an illustration!
Big kudos to Rocke ^_^ ~<3::


by me::
summary- Yamato enters a fantasy contest, but ends up entering someplace else...::
::rating- PG::
webmistress' opinion- other people like it ^^() Well, for people who have followed this fic on FF.net, you can get 'previews' of this fic only here at ::kumquat:: so if you're dying to know what happens in the next chapter (Enchantress ^_^) you can preview it! Please read and give me feedback!::

::Rest In Peace::
Hikari de Devidramon::
summary- Yamato sings to the stars one lonely night::
rating- G::
webmisstress' opinion- Pretty sad. The song is beautiful and fits in with the fic! Plus, she gets kudos for being the first to send me a fic! ^_~ Read and give her feedback!::