
Nice Orange Kitty

Felis domesticus var. interruptus

Tisha's real name is Tasha, but nobody calls her that anymore. She is called Princess, Tisher, Tishhead, Tish, and Puff. Most commonly she is addressed as "Nice, NICE Orange Kitty."

Tish came to live with us as a kitten. My daughter, who convinced me to let a copiously shedding, long-haired, flea-infested, farting kitten join our household, thinks this is still "her" cat. *HA HA HA HA HA* This is now MY cat. Tish is the softest, sweetest, most cuddly cat in the entire universe. Tish is a big adorable teddy bear cat. She likes people to take naps so she can lie on their chest and put her paws on their lips and purr. Considering where her feet have been, I should find this disgusting, but it actually is quite endearing. Strangely enough, at night she sleeps quietly at the foot of the bed. Her worst habit is waking people up at 3 or 4 a.m. either to have you open the door to Melody's room (the bathroom) or just because she would like you to be up. She either claws at the door, or she finds something that makes noise, like a bag or a piece of paper in the trash, and rips it to pieces until you get up to strangle her.

For some reason, Tish has an affinity for prom dresses. She just loves to suck on nice polyester prom dresses, tulle, georgette, you name it. I do not understand this at all, but with a cat that adorable you can forgive a lot. We just call her the Demon Prom-dress Sucking Cat from Hell and try to keep the closet doors closed. Otherwise, you are apt to find her sitting at an open door with her mouth full of skirt, sucking blissfully with a meditative look on her face....

Tish sheds so much that is amazing she is not bald. In the winter she grows a lovely mane, which she sheds in big clumps in the spring. When I had to get new carpet for the house, I took a bag full of Tish hair with me. Once I had narrowed down my choices, the final decision was made by emptying the fur wads onto the carpet samples. The one that hid the hairballs the best is the one we got.

Big winter Puff mane.

Tish is adorable when she sleeps upside down. Well, she is adorable no matter what she does. She is very very soft. She has a smile like a dolphin; it is just the shape of her mouth, I guess. Tisher just makes the day go better. Tish is the only cat I have ever kissed on the lips.

Click here to see the smile close-up!
Wonder why this plant never grows...

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