ShaTaka: ::sigh:: Contrary to popular belief, we are NOT dead...
StevDer: ::smirk:: Just lazy.
ShaTaka: ::Growl:: Did you take the AP Econ. test for 7 hrs??! ::smoke curls out of nose::
StevDer:o_0 You, uh, want me to do the updates?? ::innocent::
ShaTaka: ::growl:: No. The page is being totally redone. By totally redone we mean it's not going to be completely EverLast. So welcome to
A Little Piece of Insanirty V1.0
StevDer: ::cautiously:: So you're ok now??
ShatTaka: NO...::sulks::
June 5th 2004
Information on the characters of 'EverLast' and fan art, whoo hoo!!
The Fanfiction section
Galleries that feature pictures of a dragon, wolf, and horse nature. Also home to adoptive animals!
(it works and maybe one day I'll make it more accessible. And G. W. Bush will make sense.)
Links,  'inteview with the arthor', and probably random crap..
To Email, click the sword
Sign me!! Plu----eeeezzzzeee!!!!!!!...ok, I'm done with my shameless promotion, I promise. ;_;
June 5th, 2004
I'm attempting a major overhaul of the site without changing the major feel of it, you know? It's summer after all and I have this month and the next to kill^.^
Quote for the time Being:
Dr. Al Robbins: The leg was severed post - mortem.
Catherine Willows: Well, that's good news.
Dr. Al Robbins: How do you figure?
Catherine Willows: Would you want to be alive while your leg's being cut off?~CSI