Some of my favorite On-line resources

Some of my favorite On-line resources

Some Frequently Asked Questions About …

Paganism, Witchcraft, Polytheology, Magic, Satanism, Home Education, and Ethics. This is not a final authority, just one of many adding to the accumilation of answers to these many questions. Also found here are a Glossary of Terms and a List of Books

Some Frequently Asked Questions About ...!

Affiliations and Mission Statement.

The Mission Statememnt of the Dragons’ Nest, as well as Groups and Organizations I am affiliated with on a Full Time arrangement.

Affiliations and Mission Statement!

A Book of Shadows and Light!

A public journal of my experiences and reviews on the Theories of Magic and Science.

go to a book of shadow and light

Pagan Minister's Counsel

A service of and for Pagan Ministers’, and other members of the helping professions, where we can connect and help make a difference. A Member of the Universal Life Church.

Go to The Pagan Minister's Counsel

The Pagan-HEN

The Pagan Home Education Network. We hold the proposition that we should educate all children intelligently … even if they are little heathens.

go to the Pagan Home Education Network

On-Line Resouces

Religious Tolerance
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
The Malleus Maleficarum
Skeptic's Annotated Bible
The Internet Sacred Text Archive
Twilit Grotto
Gnostic resources.
The Gnostic Library
The Nazarene Way
Bronz Dragon Web Crafting
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Riverside, California
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National Discussion
Join to Talk about it.Join to Talk about it.
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Other Recomended Groups
Join to Talk about it.Join to Talk about it.
Goddess Project Home Page [Witch's Voice ]
[Covenant of the Goddess] [Pagan Pride Day, Int.]
If you would like to use these images to link to these projects, I licence you to do so.
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On-line Books and Occult supplies
Satan 2000,
Satanic Shopping Church of Satan Black Magic, Wicca

Many fine books and supplies can be found at…
Comparitive Religions Cultures and Philosophy
Be patient, as I review these links in my bid to remodel these pages of mine.
These are the Home Pages of the Many alternative cultures in America. Please, review the original source of a philosophy before making a judgement of any sort.
Transpersonal Theories:
Cross Roads Essays
Community Relations.
Alternative Religions Education Network
Circle Sanctuary
Witches Against Religious Discrimination, California
APRIS: Acceptance of Pagan Religions In Society
Traditional “Spiritualist” Organizations:
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Ordo Templi Orientis, U.S. Grand Lodge
The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Pagan Interests in General:
Four Quarters: an Inter-Faith Sanctuary of Earth Religions
Isaac Bonewits
The Kansas City Regional Burning Man Group
Obsidion: Magazine online
Pacific Circle
Pagan Parenting Page
The Witch/Pagan Resources
Modern and Traditional Celtic Organizations:
Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship
Imbas Traditional Celtic Triads
The Temple of the Danann
Nordic Traditions:
Asatru-U directed and independent study.
Our Troth
Raven Online: Your Homepage for Traditional Asatru
The Troth
The Vikings, A Reference
Wiccan Organizations:
The Celtic Connection
Church & School of Wicca
The Journal of Eclectic Magick
Rev Gwynarion Starseeker, The Home Of Wicca and Wiccans on the Web
Jaz Gordon
M. Macha NightMare
Starhawk's Tangled Web
Stella Australis: Australian Paganism
The Wiccan Rede Project
The Witch's League for Public Awareness
Left-Hand Organizations:
Church of Satan, Anton LaVay’s Original.
Diane Vera's Theistic Satanism
First Church Of Satan  John Dewey Allee’s Original.
The Obsidian Mirror  Thoughts from a Pagan Heretic
The Principia Discordia
Satanism Today, A Program Dedicated To Satanic Issues
Society of the Onyx Star,Welcoming all who practice on the Left Hand Path.
The Temple of Set, Left-hand Kemeticism.
The Vampire Church, a haven for the real vampire and the vampric life.
Eastern Traditions:
New Age:
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church
Blessed Bees
Church of All Words
Spinning Vortex
The Universal Life Church