<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dragonslayer_bro/duel.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
This website is dedicated to all of the modellers, skinners, programmers, artists, graphic designers, file reviewers, clans, and hosts/servers who comprise the JKII community.
Without you it would just be a game.
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast ModMaker
Central Standard Time
--History of the Website--
This is my web-journal, telling about the stuff I've done to my website.

--Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast--
This is where my JKII modification screenshots are located, and other JKII art.
This is where all of my graphic design is located.
--Textual Logos--
--Desktop Screenshots--
--Avatars and Icons--
This contains LEGO movies, music, and related files.

This is where my modifications to JKII (or links to host sites) are located.

Valuable resources on the world wide web.
--Mega Sites--
--Peer Sites--