Arts and Crafts Room
Jo Ann Montgomery

I thought I'd start an Arts and Crafts Room, since I like doing arts and crafts. The instructions are generalized, so you can create these things for any of your interests.

href="">Arts and Crafts at A Minor Glitch has some good ideas, too. It's a ReBoot site, so the Arts and Crafts are ReBoot related. But you can easily translate these into anything you like. MG has pages full of neat activities. Go a head and try some! They're fun to do! ^_^

The Arts and Crafts

DateArt/CraftFrom Who
02/09/2000Popsickle Stick FramesJo Ann

Custom Action Figures and Dolls

This is a seperate section of the Arts and Crafts Room because this is a very special type of arts and crafts. Taking an otherwise ordinary action figure or doll, and making a new toy out of it. Mind you, this should only be for your personal enjoyment.

DateFigure/DollFrom Show/Comic/Etc.From Who
02/09/2000MatrixReBootJo Ann

Have something to contribute? Send a TEXT-ONLY discription of the art or craft, a list of materials needed --including any tools that's needed-- and step-by-step instructions. Or, if you have a website for it, you can just send me the URL, and I'll link you.

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