It Happened in EVERY Episode...
By: Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker

There were some things on Drak Pack that happened in every episode, sometimes, more than once. Here are a few things:

1. Dr. Dred would meet with Drak to tell Drak his "secret" plans.

2. O.G.R.E. captures the Drak Pack at least once.

3. Big D would mash his fingers when he close his stone coffin lid.

4. Dr. Dred would swat Toad with his flyswatter.

5. Toad would say, "Bad Toad! Bad Toad!" at least once.

6. Big D would complain about, "Kids today!".

7. The boys would call Count Dracula for help.

8. Drak would say something along the lines of, "The ole (something) trick!".

9. Dr. Dred would twist Drak's name in some fashion, prompting Drak to say, "That's DRAK!".

10. Drak would change into a bat, the Dracula family symbol.

11. All three boys can drive. They have all driven the Drakster at one time or another.

12. Dr. Dred and O.G.R.E. always escaped.

13. O.G.R.E. was the only villians, although the openning said that the Drak Pack could "use their skill against all evil-doers".

14. Dr. Dred uses big, important-sounding words tather than the simpler version.

15. The boys always called Count Dracula, "Big D", even though Count Dracula hated to be called that.

16. The boys would "Drak Wack". They never started, went through, and ended and episode while in monster form.

17. A red curtain was used for scene changes

That's all I can think of. If you know of any more, e-mail me, and I'll put them up.

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