Furcadia Room
Jo Ann/Mooneyes Katt

Orginal Furries Room: Started: 02/24/2000 Updated: 04/13/2002
Furcadia Room: Started: 06/16/2002 *~*~* Updated: 03/10/2005

Furcadia: Go here to download Furcadia!

Furcadia is a 3D enviroment chat/RPG/social program where you can become Furries. Be a cat, dog, horse, even a dragon! A mere 4.12 MBs and well worth the drive space.

This Furcadia Room is replacing the Furries Room, but here are some highlights from the other page:

Furries are characters that are animals, but with human characteristics. Words for them are also "anthropomorph" or "zoomorph". The best way I have to describe furries are to use examples:

Note: The term, "furry" does not nessiarily mean that the character must have fur. The Ninja Turtles would still be concidered "furries", even though they do not have fur.

IceSphinx, my NEW Furcadia AvatarIceSphinx in Furcadia
I reuploaded Furcadia, and now have a new character: IceSphinx! Compare her to my old avatar, Mooneyes Katt, below:
Mooneyes Katt, my Furcadia AvatarMooneyes Katt, Portrait
Mooneyes Katt, my Furcadia avatar. Female white cat with yellow/gold markings.
As you can see, except for the hair and the cape, IceSphinx is just like Mooneyes Katt. Sisters, prehaps?

Web Dolls and Other Images: My OTHER "Furries":
Bast-Isis, my FurryStarblade, my Biker Mice From Mars avatarCat Princess

My own furry avatar: Snow leopard. Magical powers (other than those covered by other codes. Polymorph (the given species is your normal form, but you can change shape). Winged. Equally comfortable on two or four legs (or, if you're a taur, on four or six. Just a general 'alter ego'. Someone to draw pictures of. Role-playing game character. Someone to write stories about.

Also, in Biker Mice from Mars, I'm a white Martian Mouse named Starblade. But I don't have the details on her, yet.


Furcadia: Go here to download Furcadia!
The FurRing: A webring with lots of furry stuff. Warning: Some sites are ADULT sites.
The Furry Directory: A site with links to Furry sites.
PeterCat's Furry Info Page: Lots of info on furries, including a FAQ page.
Furry Code: What kind of furry are you? Follow the instructions and find out!
OR use this:
Automatic Furry Code Decoder and it will give you your furry code.

My Furry Code
FFSmpw4adrw A+ C- D H+ M- P++++ R T+++ W Z Sf RLA/BM/C/CT/LW a+ cn++ d e f h* iwf+++ j++ p* sf--
Furries have visited since 02/24/2000.

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