Vampire Shape-Shifting
Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Vamprina/Joni Harker/Dractina

Started: 06/28/2000 Updated: 03/23/2001

As vampires, Count Dracula, Drak, and Vampira could turn into animals and other forms. What all could they turn into? Here's a list:

Count Dracula

  1. Mist (Standard)
  2. Bat (Standard)

Drak, Jr.

Drak not only turned into other animals, but he was also the first vampire I ever saw that could turn into inanimate objects!

  1. Mist (Standard)
  2. Bat (Standard)
  3. Hand Drill (In "Mind Your Manners, Dr. Dred!", the Drak Pack was trapped behind an invisible shield. Drak turned into a hand drill, and drilled through the metal floor of the Drednought, under the shield, and out the other side. Then, he turned into mist, and escaped.)
  4. Mouse
  5. Dog
  6. Black Pelican. (Okay, so only most of Drak's forms is white...)
  7. Seagull


  1. Mist (Standard)
  2. Snake (Standard)
  3. Terridackle
  4. Cat
  5. Crocodile
  6. Crab
  7. Spider
  8. Squid
  9. Dragon
  10. Sea Monster
  11. Multi-arms (ala, Shiva)
  12. Lizard
  13. Winged Bug (species unknown)
  14. Mosquito
  15. Ragged-looking Butterfly

Any animal form they became had their head, except, of course, if the animal --like the aforementioned pelican-- had a distinct facial feature, like a long pouchy beak, or an elephant with it's trunk, etc...)

The three also has some standed forms. Since the bat has always been assosiated with Count Dracula, I'm assuming that --at least in Drak Pack-- the bat is the Dracula family symbol. Likewise, Vampira seems to transform into the snake a lot, so I'm guessing that the snake is Vampira's family symbol.

As far as animals are concerned, I'm guessing that Big D, Drak, and Vampira has an unlimited array of creatures that they can transform into, both real and fantastic. Drak, though, seems to be the only one that can change into inanimate objects, as well. I wonder where Drak picked that little talent up...^_^

I'll add more shape-changes as I find out about them.

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