Why Did I Make This Site?
By: Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker

Why did I make a Drak Pack Site? Well, that's a long story.

Back in 1980, when the show first aired, I started watching it because the idea of "heroic" monsters intrigied me. How many monster movies and T.V. shows have there been, with the monster as thevillian, the "bad character" that the "heros" had to defeat and destroy? There's quite a few of them, out there.

Of course, being a girl of 16, I fell for the teenaged vampire, Drak, Jr. Unfortuanatly, that was before I received my VCR, so I had to record any show with an audio tape player. It was better than nothing, though.

The show quickly became one of my favorites. And when a show becomes one of favorite shows to watch, I really get into it! For Halloween of that year, I made a linonemum printing block of Drak. The picture is horazonal, with Drak's (vampire form) head and shoulders in the center. There are bat-wings out the side of his head, and a full moon, half-hidden by the left (viewer's left) wing. In the forground is a fence, with three graves in front, two with crosses, and one with a gravestone with a (bat?) and R.I.P. Not too bad for high school art class!

Anyway, instrest waned --as it usually did-- as the show left the airwaves and new shows came on. Once in a while, though, I would begin to miss the Drak Pack cartoon.

Time pasted, and at some point in time, I got on the Internet. I made some friends in chat rooms, ICQ, and through e-mail.

One of those friends --who goes by the name of "Buffy" on ICQ-- started a Buffy, the Vampire Slayer e-mail Role-Playing Game, and invited me to be in it. I created a character named Isis Osiris. She would be an Egyptian Soreceress and Sunnydale's new computer teacher --filling in for the late Jenny Calender. I wanted to give her a boyfriend, and, with Buffy's permission --we were only suppose to have one character-- I set about creating the boyfriend.It was then that I remembered Drak. With a little reworking --nothing really major-- Drak could fit the part. So, first, I made him older, about 23, or so. Then, I made him a solo character, allowing him to change from "normal" to "monster" mode by his will alone (my theory was, that the boys' bodies was not mature enough to change on their own, without the "Drak Wack". Older, now, the boys could accomplish the solo change rather easily.). Now, I gave him a carrer --as a motorcycle racer! For some reason, I have always seen Drak on a motorcycle.

Now, to get Drak into the Buffy storyline. I created a background for him. During one of his races, he ended up back in his home village, where his mother (at the time, I figured his mother to be the vampire, and his father to be human. I've switched it around, since then, to make the names make sence) gave him a suit of black and silver armor (his best color scheme) and a katana sword that could kill undead, no matter what else normally killed it. He makes his way back to the stakes, where he ends up in Sunnydale. He meets everyone at Sunnydale High, in the library, where Buffy nearly stakes him! He is saved at the last instant by Xondra, the Immortal First Slayer, and mother to Angel. Xondra is also Drak's aunt --making Drak and Angel cousins-- as well as the woman who taught Isis magic. Drak and Isis met, and it was love at first sight. So begins the great romance!

Eventually, in an ICQ fanfic, Frankie and Howler were added. The fanfic was called, "Buffy, the Virus Slayer", and was a ReBoot/Buffy/Drak Pack crossover.

Once again, the Drak Pack --obsession-- overtook me. By the greatest of luck, I found a site where I could send off for a tape of Drak Pack episodes. I ordered it, watched it --night and day-- and began taking note of their powers --especially Drak's, whom I had to play (and still play) in the Buggy RPG.

When I started to create a website, using GeoCitie's GeoBuilder, I thought about making a site for the Drak Pack, who had no site of their own. Believe me, I've tried looking for another Drak Pack site. There is none.

The rest --as they say-- is history.

And that's why I made this site. ^_^

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