~Who IS Matrix Sheeba??~

Full name: Matrix Sheeba
Alias: The Gundam Gaurdian Angel
Organization: Secret Pilot/Gundam Pilot in seclusion
Mobile Suit: MS 06 Gundam Black Light/MS 06 Gundam Black Light Fear/MS 06 Gundam Gates (E.W.)
Age: 13/ 14 (E.W.)
Race: Russian
Gender: Female
Origin: Earth/Vladivostok Russia
Family: unknown
Height: 114 cm.
Weight: 40 kg.
Eye color: Dark mahogany
Hair color: Honey to dark brown
Drawbacks: Can't control her "electric currents"
Past: Matrix Sheeba was originally Angel Jensen. Her parents died in a car accident when Angel turned 3, but before that, the Winner family and the Jensen family were quite good friends for generations. Angel Jensen was invited to live with the Winner family and was Quatre Ruberbas Winner from age 3 to 7. At age 7, Matrix was summoned to help the Maguanac corp to protect the Winners in an assault by OZ. The last time anyone ever saw Angel Jensen was right before she was lead off to the hangar. Quatre was bid her farewell and put a white rose in her hair. Angel walked off without saying a word and was killed by the same OZ soldier that revived her 10 minutes after her death. The OZ soldiers revived her with high voltage static shocks. Angel Jensen was born with a New Type ability similar to Chang Wufei's, but her ability was so intense that the revival process cause the electricity to be stored in her body. Every single muscle and vein in Angel was threaded with electricity that was triggered by extremely intense feelings such as premenitions, fear, anger, or sadness. Angel had lost all of her memory and was adopted by an OZ family that she ran way from at the age of 9. When she met Professor X, her identity had been changed to Matrix Sheeba and Angel Jensen was erased forever. Now Matrix is the leader of the Secret Pilots and has gained 80% of her memory back.
Mission: To protect and unite the Gundams.
Future: Great grandsons name- Khana Ramsus Winner, husbands name- Quatre Ruberba Winner, marriage age- 21 (Quatre- 23) other- not submited/not wanted...the future can always be changed...

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