Ever wondered just exactly what deja vu is? How are some people able to excell at things others can't, like doing acrobatics, working with electronics, programing, or playing sports? Ever wonder what it would be like to record your dreams and watch them on TV? Now THAT would be the outer limits. Ever ponder how you thought up that dream? In our dreams, the impossible happens, things that no one could imagine, yet they happen...things beyond reality and beyond comprehension. Perhaps this is why we can't remember our dreams...they are simply too unbelievable to believe. .......What if they were real...? This universe is large, so large in fact that no mortal being can comprehend its size. Where do you think artists, authors, poets, and playwrites got their ideas? Dreams? Or something so bizzare, it's unthinkable. What if reincarnation is real? Your soul could have dwelt in the body of another being four trillion light years away from here. Perhaps dragons existed in that world....or magic. The ideas of gods and devils, heroes and villains from the ancient times. What if they were real in another world? Have you ever questioned human morality and why it is that way? How do we define right and wrong? Sure, we are taught by our parents and teachers, and influenced by the other members of society. But what about the more subtle differences: Clothing, appearance, language, accents, personality, emulation, love, sex. Each of these things and more are defined differently in each human being. We've got kickers, headbangers, preps, jocks, rappers, wannabes, 'goddesses', freaks, nerds, and tons more. People where a huge variety of clothings. There's countless different languages, each with its own accents. People have differnt definitions of love. Love everyone. Love God. Love your family. Love your wife/husband. Love those whome you care for. People share various sexual fetishes. Sadism, masochism, homosexuality, bisexuality, and many more I will refrain from mentioning. Where do you thing all this diversity came from? Some wonder, why can't we all speak the same language, or wear the same clothes, be the same race, have the same moralities, be of the same mind, be the same religion, etc? It's called Natural Selection, and adaptation. We adapt to our environment. Some could say everything we've ever done was directly based on our present environment and state of society. Many of these people are naturalists. But what if you believe in free will, whether it was a gift of God or you, as a human, natually have it? What would believe then? Some question what the purpose to life is. Is it to be successful and make money? To please God and live in heaven? To achieve Nirvana? To get the greatest amount of pleasure possible? (hedonism) Or do you believe that there is no purpose to life whatsoever, and that we, as humans, are just more stuff produced by the earth? (nihilism) Naturalists believe that we are merely animals entirely manipulated by our environments (Darwin and Mary Shelley would be happy) Odinists believe that they're purpose it to be victorious and valiant so that they will be led to Valhalla by Freya after their deaths and be wed to a Valkrie. Christians believe God put them on the earth to teach them humility, faith, and to 'train' them for their trip to Heaven (the ideal world) after their deaths. Whatever you believe, it's an obvious fact, we're here, and we're not a static people. Did you know that if a normal human body were converted into pure energy, it would level a city the size of Chicago? Our bodies are generating a field of energy constantly. Periods of nervous tension can increase the energy, and periods of rest and relaxation decrease it. What if we could harness and control that energy? We could control our bodies, stay in control, not lose our tempers, stay alert and at ease. But what if we could go beyond? Control the energy discreetly. Run your finger over a candle flame. The flame doesn't burn your hand, and you feel no pain. Go farther. Put your finger in the flame. This time the flame moves away and burns beside your finger. Now, pick up the flame. It rests on your finger, burning. Transfer the energy to your palm and other fingers. Now your hand is flaming, yet it is not burned or in pain. One can only imagine the infinite possibilities. But the question remains, is this possible? And How can you tap into that kind of energy? I don't know. Perhaps we should consult our relatives out in the reaches of space. There is one thing, however, that I know for certain. Mortal evolution shall indeed reach beyond the barriers of Divinity. Man will breach God. It is the Divine Revolution.