How to write erotic fan fiction.

by Drakkenfyre


Formula A:  The Crash


1.     Take two characters who you wish to, um, have your way with and make them take a trip together.  Now even if this isn’t entirely reasonable, such as in the case of having say a captain and her first officer leave the ship at the same time, it doesn’t matter as you will soon distract the reader from such inconsistencies.

2.     Put said characters in a small aircraft/spacecraft/even a trireme if you have to, but it must not have very many people aboard, as everyone else will die and too many dead bodies are never a good backdrop for erotic fiction.  In special circumstances you may permit more than 2 people to survive, such as in J/C/P fic. 

3.     This vehicle will always be traveling somewhere out of radio/comm/flag/smoke signal range.  For example, a type 2 shuttlecraft could be trapped in a planet’s ionosphere.  Completely implausible, I know, but it’s something you can say would block subspace messages.  Or your stolen Roman boat could beach on an island not within viewing range of any other ships, such as Phoenician raiders, unless that's supposed be part of the action. 

4.     You must crash somewhere cold.  A class L planet, for instance.  In non-SF, this takes a bit of planning, like having their Cessna fly from Las Vegas to somewhere over some mountains for an entomological conference.

5.     The crashees will always suddenly cling to each other during the descent even if they have never touched before, unless, of course, they are Starfleet officers.  Then they just shoot each other a small, mournful smile.

6.     There are only ever half as many blankets as you need.  Therefore, the crashees must, to survive, climb inside a single sleeping bag to await rescue.  And there will never be quite enough room for the two to lay side-by-side, but there is somehow always more room with the woman on top.  Remember, you aren’t aiming for accuracy.  Your goal is to please your audience, many of whom want to see the female on top.

7.     Even though it contradicts common sense, your characters must believe that it is far warmer if they huddle together in the nude.  It is important that you make your characters believe this, too, or else they will appear too brazen and not sufficiently coy.

8.     Reinforce gender stereotypes by inflicting a temporarily disabling injury on the female, the submissive male, or in the case of warrior women, whomever you want.  Remember, they may both be on top in the courtroom, but someone’s got to be on the bottom in bed.

9.     Even though in real life rubbing the frozen extremities of a hypothermic person can be fatal, your characters should engage in this practice.  It helps speed other events along.

10. There are certain biological processes involved with survival situations that you should never touch on.  The lines “I have to pee” or “I have to pee, too” should never be uttered.  Just as no one ever melts drinking water in these stories, no one should ever have to excrete any, either.  Though this rule does not apply in the case of infection, as infection brings fevered confessions of desire.  Well, in fic at least.  In real life it’s a bit more like, “Why are the orange Smurfs are eating my toes?”




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