This story is rated PG-13
Star Trek: Voyager is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation

Author's note:  This is part of a larger unfinished poem that tells the story of Voyager in verse.  At this point, the backstories of the characters are being explained, and we jump into that fateful moment in Janeway's past…


From The Voyager Cycle
By Drakkenfyre


Janeway I

The place in hearts that love does lie
Is now the place love goes to die
Instead of joy lives icy death
Her dreams now echo their last breath


The frigid lake lent her embrace

To those whose souls it craved to take

The nearness of her longing lips

Draws out the breath of men of ships

She blames herself for their misdeeds
Their pilots' risk, their manly needs
But unfeigned truth she cannot see
Her vision lost in the debris

She plead to them, beneath the ice

“Must I two times pay the price?”

Before engulfed by creeping dread

She cried the words she left unsaid:”


"Father, you were my Daedalus in flight
And Justin with Icarus's might
Both soared too close to the sun
Suddenly alone I came undone"

"Father, my ways were not defiance,
For me there was no way but science
When I dived the caves of Mars
My hand did reach toward the stars."

"But my cries fell on the dead
No voices whispered in my head
No one filled the gaping hole
My loved ones left in my soul"

The passing time seems to disguise
Midnight longings and empty cries
These things heard only in the night
Await their turn to reignite

Then in that place so far from home
A place they never meant to roam
A godly being stole their ship
And so began their homeward clip

But with her fragile crewmen dead
To the others' camp she tread
Bough in hand with bird of peace
She asked their enmity to cease

In that moment of awful need
The two opposing forces agreed
Hatred was not worth their lives
Together they could know—and thrive.


Chakotay I

"I'd only come here seeking peace
In search of one who once was me.
I abandoned home seeking honour
I returned to silenced screams of horror."

Empty Trebus spoke of strife
The barren dirt was stripped of life
The tyrant’s talons scratched the earth

And marred the land of this man’s birth.

"To the stars I took my flight
And through the dark and endless night
I could not quell the vibrant cries
I did not hear when my world died."

"I burned the Starfleet treatise
And turned to the outlaw Maquis
Through deadly battle, raging fire
Blood has never quenched desire"

When thrown by forces far from home
To space no man has ever known
He found his purpose, faith, and life

Courage to end the ways of strife.


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