Dfa Drama (Dramas) Logo

Theatre Masks (C) Linda Holland Design.


...  to my home on the net. It has a lil something for everyone, whether you're into theatre (the main thought for the site), wanna find out about me, or get some resources.

As of Jan 6, 2002 I am updating again after an absence of two years, so this whole site is currently under construction.

Clock was here and will return soon!


For Fun: True Cartoons

Cartoon auto-updated three times a week.

See more True cartoons by Daryl Cagle
(once you've finished here that is!)


Want your own home/web page?
No time/inclination?

Well, if you like what you see here, then come talk to me.

  Oh Happy Happy Joy Joy Microsoft (as if Bill needs the publicity)


As far as I am aware, this site does not breach any copyright. All images used, not being my own, are freely available off the www. If by chance I have breached the rules, please email me and I will remove or credit the offending item.

Theatre Masks graphic and background created specially by Linda Holland Design for use at this site only. Use of these items only by permission of the site owner (namely ME).


Next page

Counter and referral only.

Last update: Tuesday, 12 February 2002


You can now use these navigational links, or go back to the Contents page for a description of each:
[ Home | Contents | What's New | About Me | More About Me | My Theatrical Pursuits | My Theatre History | What's On | Audition Techniques | My Friends | Links | Gay Links | Web Design | Gallery | Site Awards | Cyber Hug | Merry Christmas | Happy Easter | Valentine | Contact me ]