Confides to what's commercial???
I am compelled to alleviate any idea that I would ever want to be some sellout based on a corporate Marketing Monster Machine.  Actually, I am just wanting to express my ideas as to what exactly is a "sellout?" I for one truly believe with all my soul that I truly Love making music.  I would also like to believe
that once I truly find my soulmates (which I believe I have) that they would respect and agree to some balanced level to this mission statement.  Has radio truly lost it's soul??  How long do bands longevity last nowadays??  Pop is ultimately the forefront of commerical music, but why is there so little respect and
long lived status for these musicians that write the "catchiest hook?"  I have the utmost respect for bands
like Pearl Jam, Primus, The Cure, Radiohead, Clutch, and ofcourse legendary bands like Led Zeppelin and the Beatles.  Each of these bands are prime examples of how segragating themselves from the commercial monster gives them more longevity and appreciation for their craft.    The Beatles for example, are considered the greatest band of all time, yet they never had the technology or power backing them in the 60's like the resources the music industry has today to push their own artists.  Word of mouth, is by far the best way to find out about great music you have never experienced in my opinion.  Perhaps, just stumbling upon a bar and hearing a band you never heard of, is also another way to appreciate this music in it's raw live form.  The Cure for instance, simply released there last record with little or no promotion, and never released any singles to radio.  Robert Smith has said that his last tour to support this album was his favorite of his entire career.  Pearl Jam is a prime example of how the corporate monster had control, and the band
had a career long backlash and survived by trusting their roots and keeping things more tangible.  Primus simply created a sound that could not be replicated and was believed in by their own passionate desire to sound different and be original.  Where in this entire message of what is "corporate butt-rock" do these artists truly "sell-out?"  Is it when they sign on the dotted line??  I don't believe so, the Ramones had many record deals, but never sold me as a sell-out band.  When did Metallica sell-out?? That question raises many eyebrows today. I do believe at one time there music truly was the epitome of "Thrash."  What about Nirvana?? This has to be the most ironic signing of any band in history.  Kurt would never sell out, he jokingly sent letters to record labels saying he wanted to be like them...and got a record deal that changed Rock History.  Nirvana's music to me is a life changing experience.  What if they never signed, I probably would never have had the pleasure of knowing this artistic genius existed.  There are many pro's and cons to this subject.  What about record labels selling cd's for $18.95 and only giving maybe $1 of that sale to the actual artist.  What is that all about???  Why are artists bound to 7 year contracts?? Who can predict 7 years??  I am determined to be like the eddie vedder of today.  He creates music with his band and they release it on their terms.  The fame is toned down to a respectable level, and the fans still have chances to see their favorite band.  I hope my band and I can relate to each other and realize that a record deal isn't always necessarily a good thing.   No doubt, that I would Love to share my music with as many that would embrace it, but I will not sign my life away in blood.  I would avoid as much as possible to not be a corporate commidity.  Did you know that magazines can put a famous musician on their cover and sell millions of magazines without the artist's permission???  Indeed, a "sell-out" has multiple meanings and could never be covered in a simple text statement.  I would Love to support my favorite band by wearing their t-shirt at one of my own band's shows.  I believe this shows how much respect musician's can have for each other in a small way.  I have grown up with the "MTV generation" and don't believe for one second that I would like to partake in a "music video."  This channel stands for music television, last time I checked they had gameshows, dramas, cartoons, and commercials.  They only seem to make famous who they choose to make famous.  This a very powerful tool to be able to control the public's opinion on music by shoving the same songs incestently down people's throats. (when they actually play videos)  I just would like to perform as many live shows as possible, and create music that people can relate to, that has a sound of it's own.   I am beginning to wonder, is this way too much to ask for???  (Trying to support the morals of  not giving in to corporations that seem to control the world.) Musicians still have families and needs, how do they make a living without giving in???  Sometimes, you just have to, despite your beliefs I suppose.
I will stay true to my values and make music for my entire life.  This already know.  The question is, will anybody ever get to hear it???  Either way, I know it will be there.......somewhere.
