01-04-01: Added section on drawing hands and feet.

gestures First determine a pose for the hand, Is it open or closed in a fist? I start with a quick gesture, then I follow it up with a skeletal structure. I draw a skeletal structure to help me as guide on where to put everything. Break up the hand into shapes. Think of the fingers as 3 sectioned tubes and the palm as a square shape. With the basic shapes done, finish off the hand by rounding out the palm and add the details (wrinkles, hair, nails, etc.).
Hand Drawings 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 min. gestures Drawing feet is pretty much the same process as drawing hands. Gesture first, then a skeletal structure, then break it up into shapes. Add finishing details. Sorry for not including more examples feet.
Foot Drawings 1 2 3


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