"Now you should try this little game/Just close your eyes forget your name/Forget the world forget the people/And we'll erect a different steeple"

     -The Doors "The Celebration of the Lizard"
Band Member Bios
I think this one should be quite obvious.
The Doors - Band Biography
Film? Venice beach? Lizards? Learn how it all began.
The Doors {Of Perception}
How exactly did Aldous Huxley influence The Doors?
Jim Morrison - Erotic Politician
Educate yourself on the voice, the mind, and the poet that changed the world.
Need I explain?
My Photo Gallery
A collection of Ray, John, Robbie, and Jim pictures. And sometimes...gasp...they're all in the same photo.
Mr. Mojo Risin's Poems
"Mr. Mojo Risin?" you say to yourself. Yes, Mr. Mojo Risin. And he has poems. Just click and let me explain, after all,     that is why we're here, isn't it?
The Doors
.message board.