Dreamcatchers help you get a good nights sleep
Hear at nativemoon we make  dreamcatchers and Spiritcatchers. we also fill custom orders. YOU can have any kind of dreamcatcher YOU want! Whatever you can imagine!! Just tell us the color of the ring,  beads, & feathers with as much detail as you'd like. You have our guarantee that we'll try our best to satisfy your wishes.  I must tell you, however, spirit catchers ( dreamcatchers with fur ) are traditionally made with white leather only, but we will make them any color you choose  All dreamcatchers on this site are hand made all are made with leather and (legal) feathers. we use a verity of different types of beads.  If you would like to have a dreamcatcher for yourself or someone special e-mail me. we would also be happy to talk to you about a custom design.
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It is believed that dreams both good and bad
float through the air all day and night searching for their
destination. While sleeping under a Dreamcatcher, one may
feel secure that bad dreams being confused and ill-intentioned
get caught in the web to perish with the first light of day,
while the good dreams,knowing the right way, easily slip through
the center hole, work their way down the web catching all the
good energies of the stones and adornment, floating down the
feathers and into the dreamer. One never need fear bad
dreams again while sleeping under a smudged (blessed)
about dreamcatchers
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