Finding The Love of Your Life

Adapted From Saddleback Church

Marriage Matters  -  Part 1 of 6

Proverbs 3:6


Intro.- Gloria Estavan used to sing a song that says, "We seal our fate by the choices we make."  She's right.  Your decisions determine your destiny.  No where is that more true than your relationship to Christ.  What you decide about Christ determines your eternity.  But the second most important decision in your life will be whether you chose to marry or not and if you chose to marry, who you're going to marry.


The evidence for poor decisions is all around us.  Broken hearts, broken homes, broken lives.  One out of every marriages ends in divorce.  The divorce rate has risen 240% since the 1940's. One of the problems is that nobody teaches us how to chose a mate.  Nobody. Many of us end up in marriages for the wrong reason.  Nobody ever says, "Here are the Biblical principles on how you find God's best for your life."


Today, as we start this marriage series, I am speaking on “How to Find the Love of Your Life”  Many of you are thinking you chose the wrong week to come to church.  But hang in there with me.  Regardless of your status in life, I think you'll get something out of this message. 


If you're married, it may help you understand the root of some of the conflicts you have in your marriage.  If you're divorced, it may help you understand a little better some of the things that went wrong -- what happened.  If you're a single adult who has chosen to remain single, you still need to be a mature believer able to give wise counsel to others.              If you're a parent or a grandparent, you need to take serious notes, buy the tape, save it for those teen age years of your child or grandchild. 


I want to say something that will probably shock you right up front:  God does not chose your mate for you.  The Bible does not teach that.  The Bible does not teach that God chooses your mate for you. 


In the final analysis, it's your decision, it's your choice.  God puts the responsibility on you.  God will guide you. He will lead you.  He will direct you.  He will give you guidelines and principles.  But in the final analysis ultimately, it's your choice.  As the wedding vows say so brutally honest, you make that choice, "For better or for worse."


I heard about a woman who went to a judge and said, "I want a divorce."  He say, "Why?"  She said, "I don't like him."  He said, "You promised to take him for better or worse."  She said, "Yeah, but he's a lot worse than I took him for."


God wants us to build our lives on great principles, not petty rules.  Today I want to give you some general principles that relate to God's overall will for your life.  How do you find God's will?  How do I know what God wants me to do?  How do I know when God's speaking to me?  This applies to your business or any other area, to all of us in every area of life.  These are general principles of how to know God's will.  Then I want to give you some specific principles related to how do you find a mate that is God's best for you. 




In knowing God's will, it's always easier to see God's will in hindsight.  Looking back on your life it's far easier to say, "Oh, that's what God was doing.  That's how God was guiding.  I can see how God was working."  It's far easier to look back in retrospect and see what He was doing.  It's much more difficult to get God's will in the future, so I can make wise decisions. But one of the blessed benefits of being a believer is that God has promised to guide us.


Proverbs 3:6 "Seek God's will in all you do and He will direct your paths." 


How do I know what God wants me to do?  God uses a number of different ways to speak to you.  He uses a number of different channels.  He speaks in a number of different voices. 


Today I want to give you five that you can count on.  When you listen to God, He will speak to you often in more than one way and will confirm what He said.  Just in case you didn't get it in one channel He'll say it in another channel too.


1.  God Guides Us Through The Bible


First and foremost, He speaks through His word.  The Bible says, “Your word is a lamp to my

feet and a light  for my path(Psalm 119:105). 


This is God's guideline book.  The more you understand this book, the more you're going to

understand what God wants to do in your life. 


When I talk about using the Bible as a guide, I'm not talking about the mystical Dip And Skip method where you open the Bible, put your finger down:  "God, who am I supposed to marry?  .... Jezebel?"  The problem with that, names like Jennifer, Ashley, Robert aren't in the Bible. 


You can get into problems taking any verse out of context.  A lot of people have done a lot of harm by taking one verse out of the Bible and making it mean what they want it to mean to validate what they want to do anyway.  You can take a verse out of the Bible, out of its context and make it mean almost anything.  A lot of cults do that.  I'm talking about you have to know the whole Bible and the better you get to know this book, the better you're going to understand God's will.  God will never contradict His word. 


2.  God speaks to us through the Holy Sprit.


I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine….

 That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you” (John 16:12-15).


3.  God Speaks To Us Through Impressions


The Holy Spirit puts ideas in your mind.  He says, "I will instruct you and I will guide you along the best pathway for your life, I'll advise you and I will watch your progress." 


God gives you ideas all the time.  You just don't realize they're from God.  When the devil gives you an idea we call that temptation.  You're very familiar with that one.  When God gives you an idea, we call that inspiration.  A lot of your bright ideas came from God.  So God speaks to us through impressions all the time. 


You have to be careful because not every impression is from God. Just because you get an idea is not necessary God told you.  You could get impressions from a movie you watched.  You could get impressions from an emotional environment.  You could get impressions from your hormones.  You could get impressions from a bad pizza.  There are all kinds of things that could give you impressions.  Just because you heard something in your mind doesn't mean it's God.  You should always check out an impression in light of these other channels. 


4.  God Speaks To Us Through Circumstances


A verse we're all familiar with "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God."  He providentially prepares situations for us, chance encounters, serendipities, situations where you just say, "That was a God thing.  Only God could have put that together!"  You happen to end up in the right place at the right time in the right situation and God just did it.  He does it all the time!  God often guides us through circumstances. 


But again, I have to warn you, not every circumstance is from God.  The devil can create circumstances, too.  Given the right situation, circumstances can be moved in all kinds of different ways.  You always use circumstances to confirm what God has said to you through one of the other areas.  You don't use it as the sole basis for a decision:  "This is the circumstance, therefore it must be God's will."  That's not necessarily true. 


5.  God Speaks To Us Through Research Or Reason


God uses your mental capabilities.  He uses your intelligence. Why would God give you intelligence and then not use it?  He does use it.  A lot of times people are praying, "God, what do You want me to do?" and He's saying, "Use your brain!"  God solved a lot of your problems when He gave you a brain.  Some things you just need to do the logical thing.  You don't have to pray about it.  You just do the normal, logical thing.  What's best in this situation? 


If a train is coming toward you and you're on the tracks, you don't say, "I'm going to pray about getting out of the way."  No, use your reason and jump off the track.  Get out of the way!


Use reason in the way God wants you to use it.  The Bible often tells us, check it out.  Get the facts.  Do diligence.  Don't get into a business that you haven't checked out.  Don't get into a marriage that you haven't checked out.  If you haven't found out the person's background and their family and seen them in all kinds of situations.


Sometimes I'll meet some people who are starting a new business. I'll say, "What have you found out about the business?"  They say, "We haven't found out a whole lot in this area.  We're just doing it on faith."  Or I'll meet a couple who'll say, "We just met last week.  We're getting married next week."  Do they know each other?  No.  Have they spent time together?  No.  Have they checked out each other's background?  No. 


"We're doing this on faith."  No, they're not doing it on faith.  They're doing it on stupidity.  It's not faith, it's presumption.


Proverbs 18 "It's stupid to decide before knowing the facts." Don't get into a marriage, any relationship, any business, any kind of commitment without knowing the facts up front.  God uses research and reason.


6.  God Speaks To Us Through The Advice Of Mature Christians


If you're an immature Christian, or you're a young Christian, or you really haven't studied the Bible much, the fact is you don't know much in this book.  You don't really know what the book says so you don't know what God has to say about a lot of situations. It may take you a few years or several years to start mastering this book.  It's really good to get an older Christian who's walked a long time with the Lord and has studied this book and assimilated it and get them to be your mentor or friend.  Then when you're wondering what to do, you can go and get wise counsel from somebody who does know this book.  You'll save yourself a whole lot of heartache and pain. 


The Bible says it's stupid to go get advice from people who don't know God.  It's foolish! On the other hand, it's foolish to not get advice from people who have spent time in His word and know it.  The Bible says in Proverbs 11 "The wisdom of the righteous can save you."  That means we all have blind spots.  We all need to grow up.  A mature person can help point out error.  That is one of the values of a church family.  In a church family you start making friends with Christians who may have been Christians for a longer time than you.  They know this book.  They can give you wise counsel on a business situation.  They can give you wise counsel in a marriage crisis or in the decision to marry. 


Any time you make a major decision, it should be based on the cumulative evidence of God's guidance.  That means, not just one of these channels but all five of them.  Whenever you're going to make a major decision you don't just say, "What's the impression I get?" or "What advice do I get?" or "What are the circumstances?" or "What does God's word say?"  Look at these five things all together.  I call this The Law of Unity.  The Law of Unity or Harmony says, When God speaks, He never contradicts Himself.  God's not going to say one thing in His word and give you an impression that's the exact opposite.  He's not going to say one thing in an impression and give you a different circumstance or give you different advice.  When you start lining up these five areas about what does God want me to do in this situation?  If any of them are out of disagreement, it means one or more of those things isn't God.  When God speaks He's not going to contradict Himself.  If He's talking to you and trying to help you out, then you will get it loud and clear and you'll get it unified.  If you have any conflicting message, what do you do?  You wait for more guidance. 


The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14 "God is not the author of confusion."  If you're trying to make a decision and you're confused, you know one thing.  God hasn't spoken yet.  Because God is not the author of confusion.  You need to sit back and wait.  One of the most important lessons you have to learn in your whole life is this:  God is never in a hurry.  Sometimes we're in a hurry.  Particularly we get in a hurry because out of loneliness or sexual attraction or all kinds of stuff we get in a hurry to get married.  God says, "Don't get in a hurry, because I'm not in a hurry.  If you'll wait, you can't miss My best for you.  But if you get in a hurry there's a likelihood that you will." 


When you expect God to speak to you, to give you guidance in any situation, you need to realize it's usually not going to be some bolt of lighting in the sky. 

You're not going to get a telegram from God.  He's not going to call you on the phone and say "Buy high, sell low" -- whatever.  What God is going to do is God's guidance is usually cumulative and progressive.  It's not like instantaneous.  It's like over a period of time it becomes clearer and clearer. 


Have you ever seen a polaroid photograph?  You take a picture with a Polaroid camera, pull it out, and as you hold it, it gets clearer the longer you look at it. 


That's kind of the way God works in our lives most of the time. There have been times in my life when God has spoken directly to me, kind of thunderbolt impressions in my mind -- not audibly but in my mind I know That's God!  But that's only happened maybe three or four times in my thirty something years as a believer. Most of the time when God guides it is progressive and cumulative and it gets clearer as time goes on. 


That's the general principles of understanding God's will.


Now, specific application and principles that God says about choosing a spiritual mate or choosing a life partner.


It is true that God will not choose your mate for you, but God does describe the kind of mate that is His will for you.  The kind of mate that He desires for your life.  It's also true that God is very specific about the kind of person He does not want you to marry, that it would be absolutely wrong for you to marry.


Two non-negotiables and one recommendation:


1.  If You Want God’s Best For Your Life In A Marriage Partner You Must Have Spiritual Compatibility 


God is absolutely clear about this.  You must be on the same wave length spiritually in order to have oneness in Christ.  2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not unite yourself with an unbeliever; they are not fit mates for you."  2 Corinthians 6:15 "Can a believer share life with an unbeliever?"  The answer is obviously "No."


I don't know how to say this any clearer if you have committed your life to Christ and He really is number one in your life, and you want to live for His plan that He put you on this earth for, you are not free to choose an unbeliever as your mate.  You are not free to do that.  If God is really number one in your life, and you are a committed believer, you are not free to choose an unbeliever.  You cannot commit your life to someone who rejects the savior who died for you and His blood was shed for you on the cross.  It's impossible.  You cannot have spiritual oneness with a person who rejects the most important thing in your life. It's impossible.  You can't do it.  If you don't have spiritual oneness with the person who is most important to you on this earth, and you're not unified spiritually headed in the same commitment, equally committed to Christ, you will never attain the spiritual, the emotional, or even the sexual intimacy that God has created for you to enjoy.  It's not going to happen.


If you're already married, I've got some good news for you. We're going to talk about that next week.  Hang on!  I'm talking if you are unmarried right now and you are a believer, you mustn't do what God says not to do, blatantly choosing a person over God. 


God says this for our own benefit.  If you want God's best in a life partner -- a husband/wife -- you should not even consider anybody who isn't equally committed to Christ like you are.  If you're moving toward Christ and they're moving toward Christ it naturally brings you together.  But otherwise it doesn't. 


I know some of you are thinking, "My fiancé/boyfriend/girlfriend is not a Christian so I'm going to try to win them to Christ." Missionary dating.  I have seen may one or two times that happens, where somebody was won to Christ through a dating relationship.  But the odds are stacked against you and you're playing with fire. If you think they're going to change after you get married, it's like this.  In the wedding ceremony first you walk down the aisle, then you stand before the altar, then you sing the hymn. After the marriage, it's the same thing -- aisle, altar, hymn. [I'll alter him.]  But we don't want to be altered after we get married.  We resist it and we resent it. 


I don't like to make people unhappy.  I like people to like me. When I was a young pastor, I used to go real easy on this.  A couple would come to me, "I've found just the right person." They would tell me about their fiancé, what a fine person he was. They would talk about how he/she met all their needs, how they had similar backgrounds, how it was a dream come true, how much they loved each other.  Then they'd say, "There's just one little problem.  S/He's not a believer."  I used to go light on this. But you have not been in all the counseling sessions I've been in over the years.  You've not seen the literally hundreds of marriages that fell apart because Christ was not at the center of them. 


So today I'm very blunt about this.  I say it for people's own good.  When they are a Christian and the other isn't, I say, "You're making a big mistake.  I don't care how fine a person he/she is, you're making a big mistake.  You cannot have emotional, sexual, and all these other onenesses if you don't have spiritual oneness."


Statistics:  Marriage and Divorce magazine's national survey, 1 out of every 2½ marriages ends in divorce  but when a couple actively attends church together, commits their life to Christ and they pray and read the Bible together the divorce rate drops to 1 out of every 1105.  That's the difference Jesus Christ makes. The statistics speak for themselves. 


If you choose to go against what God has said in His word, and you marry a spiritual incompatible person who's not on the same commitment level as you are, the odds are you are going to be divorced within ten years. I didn't make that up.  That's just the odds -- you're going to be divorced within ten years.  Or you will live the rest of your life with an empty aching in your heart because you can't share the very most important thing in your life with the person you love the most.  And you'll have conflict over how the children are raised and all other kinds of things.


I've talked to people who say, "I know the Bible says don't marry an unbeliever if you are a believer.  I'm praying about it."  I say, Stop praying.  You're wasting your time.  Are you asking God to change His mind?  Are you asking God to contradict what He has already said very clearly in His word and said for your benefit? You don't need to pray about it.  You just need to do it. 


Even if you're both Christians that's not enough.  There's another factor.  If you're already married, wait until next week.


2.  If Your Want God’s Best For Your Life, You Must Have Purpose Compatibility


That's the second non-negotiable.  You must have life purpose compatibility.  Amos 3:3 says "Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?"  No.  Of course not. 


Let's say you and I get married and we're walking along together. I want to go north to North Carolina and you want to go west to California, can we walk together?  No.  You cannot walk together unless you're headed in the same direction.  If you can't walk together, you certainly can't live together intimately for 40 or 50 years if you're headed different directions.  It won't work.  You're bound to have conflict.


You're not ready to get married until first you have clarified and identified your life purpose.  The Bible teaches that you're not on this earth by accident.  God put you here on this earth for a purpose.  He has a life mission for your life that only you can fulfill.  You're not here by accident.  He has a purpose.  He has a calling.  He has a vocation unique for you.  He has a ministry.  He has a mission, a reason for your being.  It's unique.  One day you'll give an account to God about did you ever fulfill it or not?  The tragedy is most people never discover their life purpose. 


If God calls you to be a teacher to inner city children in Atlanta and God calls your fiance/boyfriend/girlfriend to be a doctor in China and that's their life purpose, you may both be very fine people and you both may be Christians and you both may be in love and like each other and have a lot in common, but you shouldn't marry. 


Think of it like this:  If your life purpose is a circle here  -- this is what God wants you to do with your life, you're going to feel most fulfilled when you do your life purpose -- Your boyfriend/girlfriend has their life purpose.  You have to be honest and ask, "Can these purposes overlap?  Can these purposes actually become one?"  If not, you ought to seriously doubt whether you ought to get married or not to that person. 


This is why the Bible is very clear in 1 Corinthians 7:32-33 "One of the advantages of staying a single adult is you can have undistracted service."  Nobody is trying to pull you in another area. 


In these two areas -- spiritual compatibility and life purpose compatibility -- God is very adamant and very clear.  He says these are the parameters from which you must choose a mate from ‑- same spiritual commitment, same life purpose. 


Then He says, "Inside that sphere of My freedom, you're free to choose anybody you like."  There could be a number of people that could appropriately be God's will for your life in that situation. 


Even if these two areas line up, there's a third one that is very helpful you need to consider.









3.  It Helps To Have Personal Compatibility


Notice I said, "It helps".  The other two said, "You must have". This one is not commanded by God.  Notice there is no verse under this point.  There is no verse in the Bible that says, You have to marry somebody who is just like you.  It's just smart!  The more you have in common, the smoother sailing your marriage is going to be.  The more you have not in common, the more rough seas and strife and chaos you're going to go through in order to grow.  It's just good common sense.


If you check out your fiance and you find out a bunch of things about them, if you've got a lot of major differences, then you're going to have to have a lot of major adjustments and that causes pain.  If you have minor differences between the two of you, then you've just got minor adjustments. 


There are hundreds of factors that you need to consider. 


            Background of their family -- If you want to know what your mate is really going to be like in marriage, look at their family situation.  In their family, that's where they learn their style of communicating.  That's where they learn their style of conflict resolution.  That's where they learn their impressions about roles.  That's where they learn all kinds of things that are going to determine the shape of your marriage.  To marry someone without knowing their family background is foolish.  You haven't done your due diligence. 


You need to say, "Do we have a common education level?  Do we have common intelligence?  Verbal skills. 

What are the expected rolls for both people in the family?  Conflict and how to resolve it?  The level of ambition -- If you get a real ambitious person with somebody who has no ambition you're going to have problems.


            Child rearing views

            The amount of involvement with in-laws

            Desire for verbal intimacy

            The way to handle anger

            Hobby and leisure activities

            Energy level for physical activities


You need to talk frankly about these things, in depth and in detail before you make that decision. 


Should we live together first?  Some say, "You wouldn't go buy a car without taking it for a test drive and kicking the tires a little bit.  I'm not marrying anybody that I haven't lived with first.  They think that in order to find out compatibility you have to go to bed with somebody before you marry them.  I've got a spiritual Greek word for that -- Baloney!  Every statistic in America shows that people who live together have a greater chance of divorcing than those who don't.  I didn't make that up. 






There's at least 50 surveys that have proven, people who live together get divorced more often than people who don't before they get married.  God says sex is reserved for marriage.  You don't have to go to bed with somebody to find out about their sexuality. You've just got to watch and talk and listen and over months it's real obvious that some people love to be touched and cuddled and kissed and hugged and other people don't.  You can look at their family situation and see how open they are about sex and how freely can they talk about it.  You don't have to go to be with somebody to find out about that.


In spite of that, these are areas that you can work on in marriage, that you can change in marriage, that you can grow in marriage. 


As a pastor, the thing I've discovered is the absolute best marriages and the absolute worst marriages are those where the people are the most different.  It can either make you or break you.  It all depends on how much you're willing to grow, how much you're willing to change, how unselfish you're willing to be and whether you're willing to get help or not in that marriage.  Some people let their differences destroy them.  Other people take their differences and through that actually grow and become a stronger person by being willing to change themselves. 


There are two errors that people fall into when it comes to marriage:  the Hollywood error and the Heavenly error.  Both of them will get you in trouble.


The Hollywood error is, All I need to have is a quiver in my liver as a justification to get married.  If I am sexually attracted to you or I fall head over heals in infatuation or I think you're the most delicious babe I've ever seen, then that's good enough reason to get married.  But it's not.  It takes more than love and it takes more than sexual attraction to mean that's the right person for you. 


On the other hand there's another error which I call the Heavenly error which a lot of Christians fall into.  They are sitting, waiting for God to make the decision for them.  If you're waiting for God to write it in the sky, if you are so afraid you'll miss that one right person, (who by the way isn't there) that I'm going to wait for God to write it in the sky "Marry Harry!"  -- it's not going to happen.  I know a lot of well meaning adult believers who are sitting at home in their room at night waiting for God to deliver them the perfect mate on a platter through the window.  It's not going to happen. 


If you want to get married and if you want God's best in a marriage partner, you need to do five things.


1.  You need to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.  That's foundational.  If you haven't already said, "Jesus Christ, come into my life.  Give me Your forgiveness.  Give me Your power. Give me Your love and You plan for my life.  Jesus Christ, I want to have a relationship with You."  That's the starting point. Get God in your life.


2.  Make a commitment to God's standard in a marriage partner. Don't get in a hurry.  Don't get impatient.  Say, I'm only going to marry somebody who's on equal spiritual plain with me, we're both headed toward Christ and we both have a similar life message, life plan, life purpose.  I'm not  going to get impatient.  I'm not going to sell our soon just for a warm body because I'm lonely.  I will wait." 


What if I don't wait.  What if I take matters into my own hands? Isaiah 50 "Some of you want to light your own fires and make your own life.  So go, walk, and trust in your own light to guide you. But this is what you'll receive:  A place of pain."  You're walking right into a big mistake if you ignore what God has said.


On the other hand, God says in Jeremiah, "I have good plans for you, not to hurt you.  I will give you a hope and a good future." Make a commitment to God's standard in a partner.


3.  Discover and clarify your life purpose.  What does God want me to do with my life?  Know what direction you're headed.


4.  Get involved in a church family or attend a Christian college where there will be a lot of other people who fit the parameters that God has laid out for you. 


If you don't get involved in a church like ours and get involved in ministry, I'm not just talking about coming to church and then leaving, but get involved in ministry, get to know people, start developing relationships or in a Christian college, if you don't have that your circle of options is going to be pretty small.  You're going to have a small fishing pond to choose from. 5.  Go slow.  Find out all you can about the person, their family background before you commit to marriage.


6.      Get premarital counseling


Then a book I recommend, Finding the Love of Your Life, by Neil Clark Warren.  I would highly recommend this book to any of you who are considering marriage. 


In closing, I realize as your pastor that for many of you this message was difficult to take.  For many of you it was painful. I'm sorry.  I feel for your pain.  Some of you, many of you, made foolish decisions in your marriage.  You jumped into a marriage solely on the basis of physical attraction, or desire to get rid of loneliness or some other less than full meaning.  But I want to say to you -- there's hope for your marriage.  I've got some good news for you.  Next week we're going to talk about that. God has a plan for you and that marriage and it's a good great plan.