These Dreamheads were created by 8th grade 1st semester artists.  They are based on the wildest, craziest dream the artists ever had!  These are ceramic, originating as pinch pots or slabs.  They turned out very funky and cool!
Ionia Middle School Art
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Chaotic Breakfast
by Corey S.
One morning I awoke to find myself very hungry.  I got out of bed and went to the kitchen expecting my parents to be making breakfast, but they weren't.  I decided I was hungry enough to attempt to make my own meal.  I got the frying pan out and sat it on the counter.  I did the same with the waffles and bacon.  I started to get cold so I went to my room to get a blanket.  I returned to find the items I had put on the counter going berserk and ruining the kitchen.  I ran toward them and attempted to settle them down.  My attempt failed and the frying pan hit me in the eye.  I ran from the kitchen and ran outside to see if there was anything in the garage to stop them.  I got a shovel but when trying to open the door the door locked.  It was very cold outside and I felt my lips turn blue.  I went in through the back to find everything in place and back to normal.  I wondered if I was going crazy.
by Kelsey T.
In my dream I was running from a big pink pig.  In dreams I can't run very well at all.  It feels like I'm barely running.  It seemed like I was running for a long time.  Then my sister drove past me in a car, honked and laughed.  She didn't try to help me.  I was on a dirt road and there were rainbows all around.  I did not taste or smell anything.  I don't know if the pig caught me because I woke up.
The Human Fish
by Chris M.
The wildest, craziest dream I ever had was when I was a human fish.  I was a person with gills.  I could breathe under water and swim like a fish.  I still had lungs so I could go on land.
Sire's Death
by Kendra M.
I have a horse named Sire.  When we leave for church he comes upon a snake.  He fights the snake.  Lunging, kicking, and stomping.  The snake dies and just before he died, he bit Sire sinking poisonous teeth into the flesh.  When we came back we found Sire next to  the barn door dead.  When we looked around for the snake, we found a king cobra stomped to death, next to the fence.  When we buried Sire on the head cross we wrote:  "Sorry Sire for we should have used the cart so that he would be with us."
The Great Goat Invasion
by Jacob B.
I remember the night that my goats invaded our house.  It happened like this . . .I woke up and saw the shadow of something standing in the doorway to my room.  I also heard the tv which was weird because no one else was awake.  I walked out to the living room and smelled food coming from the kitchen.  I saw a whole bunch of goats jumping on the furniture and watching tv and eating our food.  I guess they broke down the door and wanted to take over the house.  I started to get hungry, but there wasn't any food left.  Then the goat leader said "You have to go to the barnyard and eat hay."  We said "No!" and kicked the goats back out of the house.  We went to the store to get more food.  After that I woke up for real.
by Cassie M.
My dream head was kind of scary.  I had a dream one night that I was falling.  As I was falling I could see a bunch of pointy and sharp rocks.  The rocks were sticking up out of white rapids.  When I was about two or three feet from hitting the rocks and rapids I woke up on the floor.
When I Woke Up
by Ashley B.
I went to sleep one night and woke up in school.  I had different classes and I was first chair in band.  That day my parents picked me up from school.  It was weird that we weren't going the normal way home.  We were going out of town.  We pulled up in a long driveway.  "Where are we?" I asked.  My mom thought I was sick.  She replied "We are home."  We had a huge two story house and horses.  I went out to go riding and I woke up.
My Favorite Dream. . .
by Kaela W.
. . . is when I graduated and went to college.  I went to drama classes.  There was a famous actor in the room while I was performing, but I didn't know it.  After my performance, he told me that I should move to Hollywood and he told me how good I was.  We exchanged numbers.  Pretty soon I was in another play, a holiday tv thing.  Later that day the actor called me.  He saw me on tv because he hadn't yet gone back to California.  He told me how talented I was and what I could do.  Somehow he called a director and told me to talk to him.  The director had a new film.  I decided to take it, and I starred in it.  It was a good movie.  All of a sudden I was at the movie awards as one of the winners.  That's all I remember.
Cup Man
by Ethan K.
My funniest, scariest dream is that I was in the kitchen.  There was a pot or cup that had a scary face and a spoon with a dice and a person.  It was chasing me with a face popping at me.  I woke up and the last thing I saw was a person with a cup face.