Carl Jung said that birds represent thoughts while birds in flight symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens. Doves and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. Your dream depends on its details, but if the birds in your dream were flying free, it may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical freedom. An eagle is a powerful bird and the unconscious message may be prosperity, success, and liberation from tedium. The eagle is also a bird of prey and some negative connotations can be made. If the eagle is on the attack or the dream is frightening, reflect on your own aggressive and predatory thoughts and tendencies.
Mystical Meaning - Early man considered eagles messengers from the sun god. In a dream, an eagle may be a messenger from your unconscious. Mythology often has stories of the eagle and the lion of the eagle and the snake. These stories are dream symbols that represent psychological opposites such as spiritual/animal, male/female, conscious/unconscious, and thought/instict. Superstition says that to dream of an eagle is an omen for fame and fortune.

Your unconscious mind may be suggesting a need to become more attentive to and more aware of internal and external stimuli. In order to learn we must listen to inner and outer voices. Good listening skills are a source of information which enable us to respond more appropriately to the world around us.
Mystical Meaning - You will hear news soon, but if your ears ache, do not trust the person who tells you.

Dreams associated with the earth, such as lying on the ground, may show that you need to be realistic. The dream may be telling you to keep your feet on the ground. You may need to concentrate on earthly matters rather than becoming overly involved in otherwordly concerns or flights of fancy. To dream of the planet Earth may be a symbol of your true self that is yet unrealized. Sometimes, dreams are not symbolic, but can be real experiences of paranormal travel.
Mystical Meaning - Mother Earth represents the unconscious mind. She is the womb that contains potential for further development. Myths about descending into the earth are allegories to describe the descent into the dark realms of the unconscious. If Mother Earth comes in a fearful guise, this may show that you fear being overwhelmed by chaotic unconscious forces that threaten the order in your life. Mother Earth was of course a fertility symbol. To dream of a barren earth means that you need to sow new seeds of life for the future.

Unlike some of the other dreams about natural disasters, earthquakes usually symbolize parts of the dreamer's physical reality rather than his emotional life. The earthquake in the dream may be representing financial difficulties, health issues, or any number of other problems that could occur in daily life. An experience that is "shaking" you up, and changing your daily life, could be creeping into your dream state and showing up as an earthquake.
Mystical Meaning - Dream superstition interprets earthquakes as a symbol of a change of circumstance.

The sun rises in the East. This direction may therefore represent a new dawn and rebirth. You may also be interested in the philosophy and spiritual wisdom that comes from the great cultures of the East.
Mystical Meaning - Your plans will be canceled, say the old dream superstitions.

To interpret this dream adequately you need to consider all of its details including what type of food you were eating, if you were eating alone, with strangers, or with familiar people. Eating usually symbolizes comfort, pleasure, and love. We use and misuse food on a daily bases. We nourish our bodies and stuff our feelings with food. Eating is a part of life and for some of us it is a problem. If you are on a perpetual diet and are depriving yourself of food, then this dream may be compensatory in nature. If you are feeling lonely or lack warmth, you may have dreams of eating. Eating in a dream suggests a need for physical, psychological or spiritual nourishment.
Mystical Meaning - To dream of eating generally warns of a quarrel or business loss. Seers claim that it is particularly bad to dream of eating salt or lard, as these signify a serious argument.

Eggs are symbolic of something new and fragile. They represent life and development in its earliest forms and, as such, the possibilities are limitless. At times, eggs can represent captivity or entrapment. Carl Jung said that eggs represent our captive souls. Therefore, the egg in your dream may very well represent you in the most profound sense. Are you trapped in a shell or did you break out of it and are now free to soar?
Mystical Meaning - According to the Oneirocriticon, by Astrampsychus, "to hold an egg symbolizes vexation."

Elephants in dreams may represent knowledge, power, and strength. They are also associated with long memory and "thick skin." However, depending on the dream’s details, the elephant may be a symbol of a large burden. Additionally, in the dream you may be making efforts to remember something important and of great magnitude.
Mystical Meaning - To a Hindu the elephant-headed god Ganesha represents God's power to remove obstacles. Similarly, Western dream interpretation has always considered dreams of elephants to bring great luck.

Going up and down in the elevator may symbolize going from one state of consciousness to another. Messages from the unconscious may be accessible. Some believe that the elevator may be a symbol of a boring and mechanical sex life. On a more pragmatic note, the elevator may simply represent the "ups and downs" of life. If you are ascending, then you may perceive your current situation as optimistic and moving upward. If you are descending, you may be experiencing some negativity and helplessness.
Mystical Meaning - They didn't have elevators in the good old days. However, it was always considered a good omen to dream to make ascent without any obstacles and without stumbling.

Dreams often expose your hidden weaknesses and fears. You may feel that your self-confidence has been undermined, or you may feel insecure about your sexuality.
Mystical Meaning - Some old dream superstitions say that dreams represent the opposite of what they appear to mean. In this case, the greater the embarrassment you feel, the greater your success will be.

Some psychologists believe that people dream in order to allow the emotions to settle down. Without dreams, you would simply overheat. Dreams can sometimes express very powerful emotions, ones that most people wouldn't dare express in waking life. Dreams can act as an emotional safety valve to help release tension. Jung pointed out that emotions come from the "Shadow," the undeveloped, inferior functions of the psyche. Many people refuse to recognize these emotions as their own and project them onto someone else.
Mystical Meaning - Some superstitions say to reverse the emotional meaning of the dream. For example, to dream of being angry or crying means that you will soon hear some good news.

You feel that something is missing in your life. To dream of an empty room, box, house, or vessel may be to express feelings of emotional emptiness. Freud believed that these feelings were the result of repression.
Mystical Meaning - Ventures undertaken at this time will be futile, say the dream oracles.

The enemy may be the enemy within. Do you have inner conflicts that need resolving? You may have rejected parts of yourself that are struggling with you to find expression. The shadow side of yourself may contain qualities you need for personal wholeness. Alternatively the enemy may represent problems with a real-life enemy and your dream may give you clues to reconciliation.
Mystical Meaning - They say that if you dream of enemies, it means you will have helpful friends.

Mail or letters usually come in envelopes. When we see envelopes in our dreams, we are typically dreaming about receiving news, information, or messages from someone specific or from the world at large. If you are the individual that looks forward to mail, this dream may be positive. However, if you dread the envelopes which typically hold the monthly bills, then this dream may have negative and anxiety provoking symbolism. Typically however, dreaming about receiving letters has positive and at times spiritual connotations. You may be coming into awareness about some aspect of your life where you make new realizations and get to the "truth" of things. Some believe that seeing many unopened envelopes in your dreams may represent missed opportunities.

Everyone has a dark side. The evil that occurs in dreams usually represents something about yourself. It may represent destructive psychological forces such as anger, jealousy, revenge, or hatred. If you recognize these tendencies withing yourself, first accept them, then practice the opposite in waking life. For example, if you dream of hatred, practice love; if you dream of revenge, practice forgiveness; and if you dream of jealousy, practice giving.
Mystical Meaning - The ancient Chinese oracle the I Ching, often used for dream interpretation, says: "The best way to overcome evil is by energetic perseverance in the good."

Dreaming of sitting for an examination may express a fear of failure. Examinations are very stressful experiences in which you are made to face up to your shortcomings. To dream of failing an exam, being late for one, or being unprepared shows that you feel unprepared for the challenges of waking life. Do not fear failure. Always do your very best and you will never have regrets.
Mystical Meaning - Ancient dream guides tell that to dream of passing an examination forecasts success in life, but that failing an exam means failing in life. However, other sources say that to dream of failure augers success. So who knows what the correct answer to this dream interpretation is?

Excrement represents something you need to be rid of. This may be a negative attitude, an outdated mode of behavior, or destructive influence from the past. Rid yourself of these negative emotions. Alternatively, practical worries in waking life may make you feel like you've put your foot in it.
Mystical Meaning - If you dream of treading in dog's mess while walking down the street, it means you'll have unexpected good luck financially. (You'll be stinking rich!)

Eyes are complex dream symbols and can be interpreted by considering the dreamer's experiences and the details in the dream (as is the case with all dream symbols). Some say that the eyes are the windows for the soul. Eyes symbolize perceptiveness, personal outlook, clairvoyance, curiosity, and knowledge. They also reveal information about personal identity and suggest to the dreamer what he should pay attention to. Closed eyes are said to represent fear and an unwillingness to see clearly. Superstition-based dream interpretations say that if the eyes in your dream are beautiful they represent peace. Crossed eyes may be a unconscious warning about someone’s character, integrity, or misperceptions.
Mystical Meaning - Within mystical traditions, eyes are considered to be a symbol of higher consciousness. It is believed that people have a third eye just above the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead. This spiritual center can percieve other dimensions and spiritual realities. Directly in line with this center, in the middle of the brain, lies the pineal gland, which releases chemicals that may control higher consciousness. It is believed that this was once an eye, and that over the centuries it became buried in the center of the brain. The Tuatara lizard of New Zealand still has a vestigial eye at the top of the head that is sensitive to light.

If the person in the dream normally wears eyeglasses then this symbol is an extension of daily life. However, if the person does not wear glasses, or the glasses are the focal point in the dream, several interpretations could be made. You may need to do a "reality check" or ask yourself if you are seeing the world through "rose colored glasses." Either way, your unconscious mind may be encouraging you to make an attempt to see things more clearly.