It is very common to dream about all kinds of faces. Strange faces and familiar faces alike are frequent images in our dreams. Interpret your dream by considering the face and the general content of the dream. A stranger's face could represent different parts of your personality or psyche. You think that you are seeing a stranger but in actuality you are seeing a different part of yourself. Jung said that the stranger is a part of you that comes from the unconscious. A comic face may indicate that you have a conscious or unconscious need to mock or snub the conventional. Featureless faces suggest that you may feel unnoticed and unappreciated. On the other hand, some believe that the blank or unclear face represents a teacher. That is someone who is there to show and teach you a lesson but you are unprepared for it and the face is blank. Smiling faces are representative of happy thoughts and feelings and possibly anticipation of a joyful event in the near future. Always remember the compensatory nature of dreams and their ability to point to the opposite of what you experience in daily life.
Mystical Meaning - The dream oracles say that to dream of seeing your face in a mirror means that a secret will be discovered. If your face is swollen, you will receive money but if it is pale, disappointment will follow.

Fear of failure may originate in childhood and stem from fears of punishment or withdrawal of love. Failure themes can occur in dreams about missing trains, muddled words, emphasize the things you get right. Give yourself permission to succeed.
Mystical Meaning - I