Your dream may be telling you that you have been behaving in an inappropriate way. Have you recently experienced a moment of madness? Perhaps you secretly feel that you are too conventional and want to throw away the shackles of routine behavior.
Mystical Meaning - Fortune smiles on you if you dream of meeting a lunatic. The oracles say it means you will meet someone of great influence who will help you become prosperous. In Japan, it is believed that if you dream your hair is on fire you will go completely bonkers.

All different kinds of people clutter our dream landscape. The men in your dream may include family members or total strangers. You may dream about your father, son, husband, or friend and should interpret the dream according to its details. A man, particularly the father figure, may represent collective consciousness and the traditional human spirit. He is the Yang and his energy, when mobilized, creates the earthly realities. Depending on the details of the dream, the masculine figure could be interpreted as the Creator or Destroyer. At times, women dream about men that are strangers to them. These men may represent the women's unconscious psychic energy. Carl Jung called the stranger in a woman's dream the "animus." He represents autonomous, unconscious energy and he plays a vital role in obtaining a deeper understanding of self. At times, a strange and ominous man in men's dreams could represent their "shadow" or their negativity and darker sides of personality.
Mystical Meaning - If he is handsome, everything will be fine, you may even become rich; but if he's as ugly as sin, what out, problems with friends are ahead.

Psychologist Carl Jung noticed that many of his patients' dreams contained geometrical shapes such as triangles, squares, and circles. He realized that these had great significance. As his patients progressed toward psychological health, they dreamed of shapes progressively more symmetrical, with squares and circles radiating in intricate patterns from a central point. Jung understood that similar symbolism could be found in the geometrical patterns and religious diagrams that Tibetan Buddhists, Hindus, and Taoists used as a focus for meditation. These mandalas, as they are called in the East, represent the unity and wholeness of the psyche that is as beautiful and complex as an unfolding flower. Mandalas are your dream signposts to higher consciousness.
Mystical Meaning - The mandala represents the oneness of the psyche with the cosmos. Inner and outer become the same. Tibetan Buddhists still use mandalas as a focus of concentration, and some adepts can even sustain the image of a mandala in their mind's eye as they sleep. Certain mandalas are claimed to release magical powers.

The interpretation depends on whether you are following a map to a particular destination and you feel good about it, or whether you are trying to follow a confusing chart. A confusing chart may indicate that you lack a clear sense of direction in your everyday life or are in the midst of changing long term plans. Following a good map in your dreams suggest that you are feeling confident in your current path and pursuits.

A market may represent your career. It may show what you can offer the world. Similarly, it may illustrate what you have to trade in order to achieve your goals. For example, do you have to trade your domestic happiness for business success? The goods sold in the market may clarify the dream's theme. Antiques may represent your past; fruits and vegetables may show your potential for inner growth; and cheap goods may show that you undervalue your talents.
Mystical Meaning - Superstition says that to dream of a market denotes thrift. For a young woman it foretells change.

It is a symbol of commitment and, depending on the details of your dream, you may be currently dealing with this issue. The commitment could be to your work, to yourself or to your partner. Mostly, a marriage in your dream represents the coming together all various parts of yourself (feminine and masculine, or spiritual and rational). It could represent a greater level of awareness where by the dreamer's conscious and unconscious elements are becoming more familiar and are embracing one another. The marriage dream is affirmation and encouragement to grow in self-awareness and to transform yourself. On a more practical level, if you are not married but would like to be, this dream could also be a form of wish-fulfillment.

Mars (Ares)
The "fiery" planet is named after the Greek god Ares and Roman god Mars. He was the god of war, spring and youth. Mars was the guardian of young men and was himself highly impetuous. Mars represents energy, aggression, violence, desire and the male sexual organs. He is sometimes the symbol of life and death. In mythology, Ares was often beaten and humiliated by his enemies. He was like an ill tempered child that was unable to receive the amount of credit that he desired. Thus, seeing this planet in your dreams may be symbolic of your own frustrations that lead to aggressive thoughts and feelings. Mars is a symbol of male energy. This energy, when used in positive ways, creates permanent change and transformation. The dream maybe encouraging you to get in touch with raw emotions and desires, to ponder upon them, and then to use them to transcend difficulties.

Masks might represent our persona and how we appear to others. The roles that we play in life such as parent, student, or worker. On the other hand, masks can be a symbol of pretentiousness. If you are wearing a mask, look inside and check if you are being sincere in your presentations, or if you are hiding something and pretending to be something you are not. If other people are wearing masks, it suggests that you may be concerned about their genuineness.
Mystical Meaning - Muhammad, the founder of Islam, used dreams as a way of explaining the faith. He relates in the Koran a dream in which the angel Gabriel takes him up to heaven riding a silvery-gray mare and where Alla gives him instructions. Arabic works are full of amazing dream insights. This one may help you understand your dream about masks: "He whose sould is pure is never deceived by his dreams, whereas he whose sould is blemished is continually deluded."

The maze could represent your current mental outlook. A maze is a frightening and confusing place. If in your dream you are trapped in a maze and are having difficulty getting to the end, then you need to stop and consider your current emotional and psychological status. I don't mean to suggest anything is terribly wrong. Simply speaking, are you often confused and unsure of which way to go? If you are facing many hard decisions this dream is a good indicator that you need to step back and look at the entire picture. Edgar Cayce said that being in a maze in a dream may be symbolic of an "emotionally disorganized" person. At times we are all emotionally disorganized and confused, but admitting this dream's message is step in the right direction.
Mystical Meaning - The maze in mythology is a place of transformation where the destructive tendencies of nature are overcome. A classical example of this inner transformation is found in the Greek myth of Theseus and Ariadne overcoming the Minotaur in the labyrinth.

Taking medication is always indicative of an attempt to restore one's health. Your unconscious mind may be encouraging you to take measures to insure your health and happiness. Consider all of the details of your dream and decide if the medication taken was helpful or hurtful. Try to connect these thoughts to your situations in daily life.

Hearing sounds in your dreams can be looked at from a spiritual point of view. Nice sounds are usually positive symbols. Some may say that in your dream state you have traveled to other higher and more spiritual plains. Traditional interpretations tell us that if you hear a familiar melody, you may bump into old friends. Psychologically speaking, you may have heard a song during the day and in your dream state you are simply replaying it. However, since dreams always have meaning, the song that you are dreaming about may have messages in it that will assist you in solving a problem or will help you to feel better.

You may have met someone who is "melting your heart," or maybe you feel that you can stop being intractable and stubborn. If snow is melting, it may show that your icy feelings are becoming a little warmer. You have been emotionally cool for too long, but now you're starting to thaw out. Similarly, you may feel that a restrictive and emotionally paralyzing situation is beginning to ease.
Mystical Meaning - According to superstition melting gold brings sadness, melting silver indicates money problems, and melting ice indicates that a situation is getting out of control.

It is a common dream for women and its interpretation is mostly positive. Dreaming about having your menses can be symbolic of releasing tension and worry. Women are often concerned about their reproductive system. (i.e. pregnancy, sexual relationships or their body's "time clock.") Parallel to the menstrual cycle there is a monthly emotional cycle that most women are aware of and experience. During the time of menstruation there is a release of anxiety and an attainment of emotional balance. As a dream symbol it suggests that some difficult times may be over for you and that you can relax. On occasion this dream suggests a loss of energy and disappointment.

Mercury (Hermes)
As a metal, mercury is a universal alchemical symbol representing the yin. It is the symbol of the passive and the undifferentiated state which may be found deep within the psyche. Chinese refer to it as "liquid silver" and it corresponds to the dragon and to bodily fluids of blood, semen, water and, at times, to the kidneys. The planet Mercury may be seen as following the Sun (universal father; consciousness; life) and the Moon (universal mother; birth; unconscious). In Greek mythology Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of speed. This intelligent and quick witted immortal, easily traveled between heaven, earth and the underworld. Seeing the planet Mercury or the metal in your dream may represent your need for communication, adaptation and movement. All of these may be necessary for daily life. However, this powerful dream symbol may be calling your attention to more personal and intrinsic matters. It may suggest a need to look carefully into your internal world. By doing so, you may become aware of a need to the develop a more fluid ability to navigate within your psyche, which includes your thoughts, motives, feelings and intuition; then notice the way all of these components are translated into and effect daily life.

The mermaid symbolizes the anima, the female aspect of the male psyche. Part woman, part fish, she embodies the mystery that haunts the male psyche. She is the bringer of secret wisdom from the depths of the unconscious, represented by the sea. She is also the seductive siren who may lure the active male energies of the conscious mind into the uncharted depths of the unsconscious. A man who dreams of a mermaid may have fear of being drowned by the femininer or by the unconscious. In a woman's dream, a mermaid might express doubts about her femininity. In some dreams, a mermaid can represent a fear of sex.
Mystical Meaning - Mythology has many figures that are part human, part animal. The upper half represents the conscious ego, but the lower half, fish half is still primitive, irrational, and in need of conscious attention. (A similar comparison can be made with the centaur or Pan.) These mystical symbols were invented to show that the animal and human nature are inseparable.

Mice can represent your instincts. They may also be a symbol of timidity. They can also represent the small issues that nibble away at your psychological resources.
Mystical Meaning - The plague of mice and rats in the Pied Piper of Hamelin can be interpreted as an allegory for instincts overcoming rational thought.

The interpretation of this dream can be looked at from two very distinct viewpoints. First, milk can be a safe representation of semen and you may have unconscious (or conscious) desires for sexual relations. Second, milk is a symbol of nourishment and it suggests, depending on the details, that you are giving or receiving an adequate amount of support and consideration from your environment.
Mystical Meaning - To dream of drinking milk is an omen of good health, particularly if it is a mother's milk.

It is a symbol of vanity and superficiality. You may be concerned about your image and the way you present yourself to the world. Some say that if you see a clear image, you may be getting a glimpse of your true self. Broken mirrors always seem to be a sign of bad luck, or, at least, represent some distortions. On a deeper level the mirror can be considered to be a representation of the intellect. The intellect is an instrument of navigation and is constantly persuading us to identify ourselves. When we think about this, it makes a lot of sense. Our self-identity is very much connected to the way we look (not only superficially but also characteristically as man - woman, young - old, etc). We use this self-identity, which is greatly a production of our intellect, to navigate through life.
Mystical Meaning - An ancient and widespread superstition held that the reflection of a person seen in a glass was actually their soul. For this reason, Dracula has no reflection.

To dream of mixing chemicals, potions, or even a cocktail is a metaphor to show, not the entrance of a new element to life, but a mixing of elements already there. For example, it can show the blending of opposite sides of your personality and may imply that you should adopt an attitude that is more flexible. One school of thought interprets this blending as the interaction of the left and right sides of the brain, representing logic and intuition.
Mystical Meaning - The Tarot card Temperance shows an angel puring water from one chalice to another and the Star card shows a woman pouring water into a pool and onto the land beside her. Similarly, the zodiacal sign Aquarius is represented by a water-bearer. Like your dream, these images symbolize the flow of life; the essential connection between conscious and unconscious; and the blending of male and female elements.

The significance money has in your waking life is reflected in your dream state. Money is a symbol of power and wealth. We often judge ourselves based on our ability to make it, save it, and spend it. First consider your own relationship with money and your current financial situation as this dream could be simple wish-fulfillment. As always, consider all of the accompanying details in your dream because they will help you to understand where your issues lie. Traditional dream interpretations indicate that losing money in your dream is a good omen, and that probably the opposite will happen. Generally, money may represent those things that are most valuable to you and not necessarily cash.
Mystical Meaning - It was considered fortunate to dream of receiving or finding money, suggesting that good fortune is coming your way. Some superstitions say that to dream of finding money means a birth.

A monk may represent devotion, piety, and religious feelings. He could symbolize your need for a period of solitude. In a man's dream, he may represent the spiritual self.
Mystical Meaning - Superstitions claim that to dream of a monk foretells unpleasant journeys and dissension in the family.

Monkey's represent your playful, mischievous side. You may feel that your dream expresses a need to be fun-loving and to stop taking life so seriously. Monkeys can also represent an immature attitude or repressed sexuality.
Mystical Meaning - The constantly chattering monkey mind can be stilled by meditation. Your dream may be showing you the way to find this perfect inner peace.

Dreaming about monsters and demons is very common. They may represent negative forces inside of yourself and in your life. Most of the monsters are representing your own negative characteristics and tendencies. The monster in your dreams could be your fear, bad temper, negativity, smoking habit, or anything else that is hurtful and needs to be changed. The way that you deal with the monster in your dream is generally symbolic of the way you are dealing with the corresponding negativity in your daily life. If you wake up from this dream and are very frightened, just remember that your mind created those images and that their purpose is to teach you something about yourself.
Mystical Meaning - The old dream books say that to dream of slaying a monster denotes that you will overcome enemies and rise to prominence. In ancient Tibet, wrathful monsters were considered to be guardian deities. They symbolized the powers within the self that could deter and destroy ignorance.

The moon is an interesting symbol that connotes feminine energy; it is associated with the irrational and the intuitive. The moon effects the ocean tides, and it has been linked to madness or lunacy. As a dream symbol is can represent all of these things and more. As always, pay attention to the details in the dream before making conclusions. The moon could represent romance and our earthly impulses and passions. It could reveal things about the nature of soul and the unconscious. For those lucky people, the moon can reflect their inner peace and feelings of serenity and security.
Mystical Meaning - Palmistry tells that the lunar region of the hand (opposite the thumb) is the area where you find the lines of travel. To dream of the moon may therefore indicate a journey ahead. It is likely to be across water.

A moth is not very attractive, desirable, or known for many positive attributes. There is the story of a moth being attracted to the flame, which got to close to the flame and was destroyed. The moth in your dream may be pointing out a personal weakness or may be bringing to light a deception in your life. It could be suggesting that you are being lead to a place where you will be hurt unless you recognize the danger. Since dreams are very rarely literal, the danger could be emotional or psychological, not necessarily physical.

The relationship that we have with our mother is the most psychologically significant relationship of all. Rarely all good or all bad, our mothers always invoke powerful emotions. We may dream about our mothers in many different forms. She may be disguised in our dreams, and it is our job to find her in there. If you are dreaming about your mother, you may be addressing some issues or concerns in your dream, or your dream may be based on a valuable memory. The general image of "mother" in a dream may symbolize a variety of feelings and ideas: caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice, martyrdom, etc. The mother in your dream could also represent the "collective unconscious," the source of the "water of life," and the yin. Carl Jung suggests that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men the collective consciousness. Thus, the woman is that force, or current, inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you. It is your intuition and the knowledge that in not necessarily attached to words. Men, on the other hand, represent the active part of us that use the information received to create the physical reality of our lives. When the two are working together well, we have balance and experience awareness leading to peace and productivity.
Mystical Meaning - Most mystical traditions have the symbol of the mother written into their legends and myths. At her most exalted, she is the divine Great Mother. At her most frightening, she is the gorgon Medusa or the Sumerian goddess Lilith. Freud believed that the Greek myths of Oedipus and Electra symbolized psychological conditions. Oedipus killed his father and married his mother. Freud claimed that this represented a boy's incestuous desire for his mother and his jealousy toward his father. Similarly, Electra desired her father and was jealous of her mother. A girl may therefore unconsciously believe that she has been castrated by her mother and is now an incomplete male. According to Freud, this gives rise to penis-envy, said to be one of the root causes of women's feelings of inferiority.

Climbing a real mountain is not always fun but it usually challenging and rewarding. Some say that the mountain may represent spirituality while others suggest mental development and self-awareness. The most literal interpretation of climbing a mountain is that it represents attainment of goals. If you are ascending a mountain you may be are working hard and trying to accomplish your goals, whether they are spiritual, emotional, or material.
Mystical Meaning - If you dream of climbing a mountain effortlessly, then all your ventures will be successful, but if you fail in your efforts to reach the summit your plans will fail. To the Chinese, a mountain can symbolize the unshakable peace that comes from keeping the mind still during meditation.

Words can heal and harm. Your dream may be saying something about harsh words that have been spoken. Or you may be reminded of something said to you recently. Perhaps you said something you shouldn't have. A mouth may also symbolize your need to express yourself or talk about an issue that's troubling you. Perhaps a part of your personality needs to express itself? Freud, or course, believed the mouth to be a sexual symbol representing the vagina. He also said that to dream about mouths may represent a childhood fixation marked by immature characteristics such as verbal aggression.
Mystical Meaning - It is claimed that a large mouth shows riches to come but a small mouth betokens poverty. To see someone with a twisted or misshapen mouth foretells a family quarrel.

If you dream of murdering someone you know, this dream may reveal your hidden feelings of resentment toward that person. Similarly, the person being murdered could represent an aspect of yourself you are trying to repress or destroy. What is it about yourself that you are trying to kill off? If you are the one being murdered, it may show that you are at the mercy of your emotions. Perhaps you have repressed your instincts that are now seeking vengeance.
Mystical Meaning - The jury's still out on this one. Some oracles claim that this dream foretells sorrow, but others say it has no prophetic significance.

A museum may represent the history of yourself and your past. It exhibits all of the important events that have made you into the person you are today. It can also represent the archaic world of the collective unconscious.
Mystical Meaning - To dream of being in a museum denotes a period ahead of unhappiness and boredom, say some dream soothsayers.

Hearing music in your dreams has positive connotations. Music is healing to the soul, and as you are listening to it in your dream, you may be connected to the wonderful, creative spirit or flow of life suggesting a degree of inner harmony and emotional expression.
Mystcal Meaning - The pipes of Pan, the Pied Piper, and the haunting call of the Harpies all express the closeness of the unconscious inner realm to the world of death. Mystics also talk of the music of the spheres, the ethereal music that symbolizes the harmony of the cosmos. It is said that sometimes people hear the songs of the angels in dreams.