Your dream may be showing you that you need to take a break. Often these dreams feature anxieties. You may dream of missing your plane, a disaster while on vacation, or a problem such as carrying too much luggage. Listen to what your dream is telling you and take it easy for a while.
Mystical Meaning - If a jilted young woman dreams of being on vacation, she will win back the affections of her sweetheart, say the oracles.

Vampires, for most people, represent powerful and evil creatures. Dreaming about vampires suggests that the dreamer may be feeling overwhelmed in some areas of his or her life and is struggling with negative thoughts, feelings, and actions. You may be currently concerned about ethical or moral issues and are experiencing anxiety as a result. The vampire represents personal attributes or negative habits that drain energy and resources or cause emotional exhaustion. If you are being attacked by a vampire, you may perceive yourself as a powerless victim. Interpreting this dream's message may help you to identify the source of your negative feelings and helplessness.

A vase as a dream symbol usually represents something personal that has value and beauty. It is a holding vessel for water and flowers, which are both deep and meaningful dream symbols. If you are dreaming about a broken vase, you need to consider the areas of life that seem to be falling apart and need mending. It may be your love life, family relationships, career, or any other highly valuable area of life.

Dreaming about a large variety of foods seems to be typical. Food represents nourishment and pleasure. Interpreting the symbolism of vegetables in your dream depends on how you feel about them in daily life: whether you like them for their taste and nutritional value, or find them dull and boring. You may be projecting a need to feed your body or soul or reflecting on a dull and not very satisfying part of life. The shape and type of vegetable and the overall content of the dream need be considered when making interpretation.
Mystical Meaning - Freud says that dreaming of eating is symbolic of the sexual act and that most vegetables are phallic symbols. He is not alone. Some superstitions claim that vegetables shaped like a man are aphrodisiacs.

Venus (Aphrodite)
Venus, the planet may be seen rising in the east along with the sun and is known as the Morning Star. It also sets in the west and is the Evening Star. Due to the way this plant travels across the sky, it is often a symbol of death and rebirth. It is associated with the sun and considered to be the sun's messenger and an intermediary between the sun and mankind (between mortal and the impartial). In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and love. The love that she represents is not of the emotional and fruitful kind, but rather lust, sensual pleasure and raw animal attraction. Aphrodite was able to stir sexual feelings in both animals and mankind and often represents the perverse side of human sexuality. She is the goddess of the house of prostitution. Aphrodite may represent our basic sexual nature before it is tamed and humanized by emotions and spirit. In order to understand the symbolism of Venus in a dream, some reflection is required. Are you full of lust and/or has your sexuality been ignored? Aphrodite may be stirring your basic sexual nature. If you are feeling drained by life, the planet Venus may be a representation of the ability to regenerate and begin anew. Seeing Venus in a dream may be a reminder that there is an abundance of internal energy and resources accessible to all that tap into it.

Research shows that most dreams are unpleasant. Violent dreams are relatively common and may be a reflection of the confusion and conflict that the dreamer experiences in daily life. Dreams with violent themes suggest that the dreamer has unconscious negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger. If you are not dealing with these feeling consciously, your dreams are compensating and bringing into awareness the need for honest reflection and emotional balance in daily life.
Mystical Meaning - Another dream that should be reversed, says superstition. If you are violently attacked, it means better times for you.

Volcanic eruptions in dreams usually represent our erupting emotions. Feelings that you may be harboring during the day might take the form of a volcanic eruption in a dream state. The unconscious psyche might be releasing positive or negative feelings in a safety of a dream. (E.g. Strong sexual feelings, passion, anger, rage, and fear.) Superstition-based dream interpretations say that poring lava is a warning about poor health.
Mystical Meaning - To dream of a volcano is the prelude to a period of peace and happiness. Superstition also says that the happiness is increased if you are nearly enveloped in flames.

Vomiting in a dream may represent those things in life that cause you emotional stress, repulse you, and make you ill. This dream suggests that you are rejecting a thought, idea, feeling, or circumstance and that fast and, almost violent, cleansing is required. Examine your daily reality and try to identify matters that would cause such a strong physical reaction. Superstition-based dream interpretations say that vomiting in a dream symbolizes reversals; so if you are short of money you may have a stroke of good luck and your financial situation may improve!
Mystical Meaning - To dream of vomiting, say the ancient lost texts, shows that the poor shall profit from the rich man's loss.