IN the PREderITE:
To be discussed now:

         Today, I happened to see a teacher with a hickey. Other than being totally inspired to write a chapter or two for my story I had other thoughts creeping in my head as I impolitely stared for a moment. I'm sure someone mentioned it to him. Or that he unknowingly overheard a student yelling "Hey! has a hickey!"

       I had noticed the "bruise" on his neck well before I heard it yelled in 7th period. Previously, in 1st period, we the class were discussing the fact that most students don't think that teachers have a life outside of school.

Hmm... now I wonder how their children were born.

That certainly didn't happen in school. Or at least I hope not. Anyway, I think that's all for now.

Have a nice day.
I uploaded my journal entrys from gamingforce. Nothing too recent. I plan on putting on my newest entries seperate from the BLOG because I am still trying to understanding... something. Nevermind.


         With the technological advances today, the needs of mass advertising is a must for any thriving busniess in the real world. There are solitistors, junk mail, billboards, magazine ads.. and the list goes on. Go to to a high school and you will see it where ever there are students and food. However, not even the solitity of one's room can be isolated from the advertisements of a single company. It's called Spam.

          As many people know, spam is a type of online advertisement sent without any type of athourization. The dictionary calls it: "unsolicited usually commercial E-mail sent to a large number of addresses." Although it is easily deleted by any sane person alive, I am completely appalled that it is being sent to small children that have e-mail addresses. Credit cards, porn, and penis enlargement e-mails are being sent to women, men, and children alike . There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it other than sign up for a e-mail account that filters it out into a "junk mail" folder. The people who send these things out should be drug out into the street and kept there for as long as possible. Better yet, destroy their computer(s).

        Another thing, chain mail. If you are going to send it out, at least make it something good. Don't give out stories about these people that died because they didn't send it out. If you are going to do that, just go do something else and don't send it out. I have issues with you if I find out you do send out something like that. Well... not send, but M A K E.  Even if the stories are fake, I don't like being scared out of my mind when I hear stories like that. Words are powerful and should be used in the right way, not WRONGLY.

_the girl who is happy she finally said this, but still pisssed_

Venting of Rage:

        If you are a guy of any sort, please don't read on. And no, don't read on because you are curious, I'm saying this because you have no idea how we (women) feel. If you say you have felt worse, I could care less. You would have to be injured to feel the pain that I feel so just like shut up. We women don't get injured or injure ourselves to have these pains and burdens. We simply live.

a. I hate feeling more full than I really am when my period. I don't know how much to eat, nor do I know when I am full. Not good for my health and I don't like the way it feels.

b. Cramps when I stand up, those are the worse pains i have had in awhile. For those men who refused to listen to me, just don't tell a woman to hurry up when they are trying to stand up. If they tell you to hold on for a second, hold on for a second. There sometimes is a sharp pain in the stomach (sometimes) when we stand up.

c. Mood swings. If we say we don't want to be talked to, we mean it. I'm probably odd or something, but don't ask what's wrong. As many people know, there isn't always a problem. It only makes the "emotions" worse when you ask. I say "I don't want to be talked to." because I don't want to hurt your feelings because I know that I'm not in a good mood. AND when I'm not in a good mood, I KNOW I'm not nice.

d. Blood. Yes, it came up. If you see a stain on somebody, regardless of your sex tell them that they have a stain very discreetly. The person who has the stain will be grateful because that person doesn't have eyes in the back of their heads.

e. PMS. To those who blame emotional outbursts on PMS... can if they want. Whether they are right is another question. I myself am prone to mood swings without warning. So say at your own risk.

Eternal Opinion:

I am tired of dealing with my mother, but in another way I need her. There are many downfalls that I can point back to her, but there are also many things that I thank her for.

However, the downfalls outweigh the thanks... sometimes.

Inpending divorce? Perhaps when I am out of high school. The chances of it happening are very high. I'm just going to avoid the topic unless necessary. I hope fall break turns out alright. My mom seems to start a lot of problems.

I feel sorry for my dad having to deal with her. He has to defend himself and even me. Unfortunately, when he does so, he looks bad, but also my mom when she gets on to me. I know I deserve to be told what to do a lot, but...  too much of it is a bad thing.

I'm sure there are worse families out there, but still. I can hope and want a good family right? I know my dad's a good dad.


I've had this opinion for many years. Total Drama.

If they seperate, I'll be confused and a bit sad. My mother is my mother after all.

If they stay together, I will be a bit sad, but happy I'm still seeing them. That might be what they are thinking, but it's still bad for them to be arguing all the time. I don't like it at all. There are better things in life to be doing than defending oneself.



Sitting 10 feet from the speaker in the gym is not fun. It is loud and painful. My left ear felt numb for a few minutes. It sucks even more when you can't get your year to cheer. 1/2 the goths and depressed people are in my year and all decide to sit in a section together. I am not going to like my graduation class, that's for sure. Mr. Culley was great with the microphone until (he) someone decided to kill our ears with the feedback. *silently moves left index finger to ear* Ouch...

Okay, well the cheerleaders were good until I happened to notice an action of one of them while sitting down. The girl turned her head away from Junior Varsity with her hand shielding her face from them. My mom said she could've been embarressed, but still, she could have just turned her head away. Jr. Varsity was just giving the Freshmen team a hand, they were kind of hard to hear.

Next time, I'm not sitting on the front row.  I'd rather not have to see all this. I'll go in the back and cheer with all the normal people. Hmph.