In the Prederite:

Section 2

Yes. My personal preference.

*ahem* Another reasoning rant.

I hate sugar coating things. When I saw or want truth, I want it the way it is. I will not deliver the truth any other way because it will weigh on my concience. I say what's on my mind, or I don't. I know I sound harsh, but that is my personal preference, whether it gains me friends or not, I will continue.

I try not to lie and I consider sugar-coating lying. Of course, if it will save a life, I will lie. If I am going undercover for a friend or someone, I might. White lies are unforgivable in my opinion. Sarcasm is not lying.

But I will apologize if I do offend you. It's usually never in my intentions.
Today's Memory: written November 2, 2003

It wasn't exactly today, but recently in Gifted class a small event took place in my world.

Mr. Culley and Mr. Johnson both teach gifted at the same time, called joint teaching, no they don't talk at the same time, but they teach 2 hours straight and can go on for a 2 hour lecture. Anyway,  I was in class like any normal student in high school, doing my work which was a worksheet about jobs in the 1790's.  Most of the answers I put on my paper, I had little confidence in, except one.

When it came to review the worksheet aloud. Both teachers were at the podium picking people to answer questions. People raised their hands and a few didn't give the right answer. Eventually they came to the one I knew for sure. My hand shot in the air, and with no hasitation they both pointed to me at the same time.


a.) I was recogizned by two teachers at the same time. I got bubble gum as a reward.(that's another story for another day.)

b.) Why? Maybe because I rarely raise my hand or they know I only raise my hand when I am confident about my answer. Probably the former.
Review of the Witch Hunter Robin OST 1:

Track 1 -Robin. A very dramatic song, starts off somewhat depressing. Like someone had just been told that their life has been nothing but a lie.  The piano fades in like the person is being explained to. After the introduction into the hardly noticable vocals another instrument is added, simulating thought given to the subject that was presented. 

Track 2 -Plot. An omnious song. Exactly like the plot of a villian being introduced into a story and some of it being carried out with a bit of thrill on the good guys side.

Track 3 -Tactics.  Introduction into a lively battle that seems nearly impossible for the good guy to win and the good guy is despairing all through out the battle.

Track 4 -Sneak. Exactly as the name implies.

Track 5 -Kyrie. This one is one of my favorite. It starts out bland, meaning I can't figure out what the song trying to convey until the Koto is added in. I happen to love the sound of the Koto, but it only gets better when the vocalization is introduced. It's like the bad guy has the good guy over a high cliff and is about to drop him into the endless abyss with no sign of escape.

Track 6 -Marvelous. Well, this one didn't touch much with me, but it did seem to say the bad guy is doing odd things that are terrible and inhumane.

Track 7 -Discord. It nearly sounds like a music box. But once again it sounds like a starteling fact was revealed to everyone involved in the plot. I like the violin the the music box chimes with a few piano chords played in the background.

Track 8 -Dragnet. It's as if someone is running away and if they don't get out of somewhere in time, they're dead. Conveyed with violin, and electric guitar.

Track 9 -Underground Passage.  Not a complex piece of music that's for sure. No real emotions understood.

Track 10 -Inspection Everybody's just sitting around doing nothing or analyzing some data for a investigation. One of the two.

Track 11 -Harry's. Good for awhile. I could imagine someone playing this in a bar. Peaceful. Just as Harry's is in the show.

Open Your Eyes
Dancing Type
Large Crowd
Allay Pain
Half Pain TV-EDIT