The Dreamstone cartoon was designed and created by a cartoonist called Mike Jupp, with episodes written by Martin Gates and Sue Radley. It was the biggest and one of the most popular British animated cartoons ever made. The Dreamstone was shown as part of CITV from 1990 to 1995. It was also shown on the Cable and Satellite channel TCC (The Childrens channel) around 1994. The Dreamstone has also been shown in many countries around the world.

NEWS: Be sure to go to Mike
Jupp's forum and check out his
sub-forum on creating The
Dreamstone, which includes
an history of it's creation as
well as loads of information.
It's definately worth looking
at if your a Dreamstone fan or
animation fan in general.
Click here! to go there.

This guide is no way linked to, or part of Cookie Jar Entertainment. It is simply a fan site dedicated to the brilliant 52 episodes that were produced of this excellent series. It is not intended to infringe on any copyrights by the respective owner (Cookie Jar Entertainment) If required by the copyright owner I will remove anything from this site at their request. I can be contacted by clicking on the email link 'Email me' above.