Hi! I'm Ryo-Ohki! =^-^= Do you like my website? Why don't you take some of my pictures? I know all these pics of me are cute so and that's why I put them here!  =^-^=
I hope you can e-mail me! I've made a great Ryo-Ohki club! If you'd like to become a memeber of my club, just click here! =^-^= This is a great club so I hope you can join it! =^-^=

One day, someone managed to take one of my pictures and got past the right click disable :( It was so sad it made me this.
But I'm not bothered about that anyway. As long as this time the right click is permenantly unbreakable, there's no way anyone can take my pics! =^-^= I'm not telling you the HTML code for the right click disabling so you've got to find that out for yourself ok? MEOW! Here are some more links for you to click on! =^-^=
*~~~Adopt your own Ryo-Ohki~~~*
*~~My awards~~*
*~~The Tenchi TV show~~*
Sorry you don't have the right plug in to listen to midi.
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What is that above this text you say? Oh! It's a clock showing what time it is here where I live! Am I smart or what? Washu made it for me! =^-^=