Dinakar Jayarajan
Scientist 'C'
AI & NN Group,  
Centre for AI & Robotics, Phone: +91 80 2524 4288 ext 1301 (O)
C V Raman Nagar,             +91 98452 12924 (R)
Bangalore. Email :dinakar[DOT]jayarajan[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Hi & Welcome to my homepage. I am a Scientist at the Center for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR) in Bangalore, India, which is one of the labs under the Defense R & D Organisation (DRDO). Previously I was working in the University of Kerala as programmer and simultaneously held a guest faculty position in TIME, Quilon.

I completed my B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from TKM College of Engineering, Quilon in the year 2001. I am at present, also pursuing my MS at IIT Madras working under the guidance of Dr. B Ravindran. My research is in the areas of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.

My home town is a small city called Quilon in God's Own Country, Kerala. Kerala is famous for it coconut trees, backwaters, its beautiful temples and churches, and its art forms like Kathakali and Theyyam, while Quilon is famous for its cashews and the house boat ride on the Ashtamudi lake.

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Some Quotes I find interesting and having a lot of insight

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!"
 Franklin Roosevelt
 (My quip for the above quote goes as - "So go to SLEEP!")

"Work Hard, But it is more important to Work Smart"

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
 But in practice, there is a difference between the two!"
 Yogi Berra

"A mind that has been stretched will never return to its original dimension."
 Albert Einstein

I am working in the AI & Neural Networks lab in CAIR. My work involves

  • Machine Learning

    My focus is on applying machine learning algorithm to perform various tasks on unstructured text data. The trick here would to evolve algorithms which can work well in very high dimensional spaces as well as semantic spaces.

  • Computational Linguistics(Information Extraction, Topic Detection, etc)

    The more I work on the subject, I get a feeling that success cannot be achieved by conventional approaches and Chomskian grammars that constitute traditional NLP! We need to give a fresh look to the subject so as to achieve new ground in this field.

  • Semantic Web

    A rather powerful and very flexible knowledge representation structure. SemWeb has all the features required for human knowledge representation. Though I am skeptical about its potential use as an enhancement to the WWW, I feel it will be very useful as a KR structure for AI technologies.

  • Eventually, I hope to build computers as intelligent as this


    My resume as on Nov, 2007


    Pesonal InterestsPhotos

    A collection of memorablia Check out the Photo gallery.

    Some more photos

    Birthday party at the old CAIR I office, circa 2005

    Guest Book

    I'd love to hear from you. Please sign my guest book.

    Copyright Dinakar Jayarajan. Last updated July,2003