Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

My World

Hi there howz it going? I'm not really big fan of the homepage introduction but, I'm putting this here coz the place is a bit of a mess; there are dead link, pictures that don't work, stuff that's way outta date, and I'm sure shit's going to pop up I don't even know about. So don't mind stepping over the piles of books, paper, old magazines, food, and clothes come on in pull up a milk crate and make yourself at home. Be sure to check out EBV and sign the guestbook while your here. Hope you enjoy your stay. :) Dave

Visual Art Gallery

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Dots Per Inch: Printed Digital Aesetics Defined

Visual Poetry Gallery

Comming Soon

Expression beyond Vision

Song, Poetry, and Thoughts

A link to the other aspects of my world (which are growingly replacing my the time I spend on visual art; bah? I've been getting a lot heavier into writting) displaying, stories, songs, thoughts, and prowse, and also flogging of CD's of great bands featuring me : ] if your interested drop us a line

Zine Information

At long last I am producing a zine with my dear friend Erica, it doesn't have a name yet, and I have no idea whether it will be reproduced here as an e-zine, but it's going to be mad and you want to subscribe, so write to us for more info, peachy : )

P.O. Box 1057,

Camberwell, Victoria,

Australia, 3124

or email

All contributions are most welcome, and are a great way to flog you're band, concerts, writting skill, interviewing, whatever.

I look forward to hearing from you. : )




LOUDonline, festival of youth media and the arts: Loud is basically a festival that we're having here in Australia which aims to promote young artists, the site is well worth a vist. Be sure to check out the artist profiles and online gallery.

The Techno Impressionist Gallery

Techno Impressionism

A Body Piercing Game

Piercing Mildred

total unrealated yet very very cool

A Joyful Guide to Lachromology


This is one of the best tool sites on the net, this doesn't mean it's the only one and I would encourage those who find interest in this great band to look at as many as they can. A nice start is Yahoo:Tool but there are many search engines out there. And while your running searches you might wanna look up: Tom Waits, Bill Hicks, Ben Lee, Beck, Pearl Jam, OLGA, TAAGTP (The All Australian Guitar Tab Page), Edgar Allan Poe, Edvard Munch, William Shakespere, Dante Gabrielle Rossetti, Chatropolis, John Keats McSpotlight, Theology, Philosopy, Pagan Religions, Magik, Lachromology, Jung, Freud, Energy, Greenpeace, asexual reproduction, Armageddon, Armistice, The Cuban Missle Crisis(Bay of Pigs), Colonisation, Genocide, Tibet, East Timor, Karl Marx, Vampyres, Myths, Legends, Smurfs, Scooby Doo, The Simpsons, John K's Ren and Stimpy, John Hughes Films, Fart Jokes, Upton Sinclear, Sexual Refferences in the Star Wars trilogy, Alchemy, Drinking games, Dante's Inferno, Beware of misinformation, trust no one, the truth is out there, essentially nothing is true,'s all falling into placeSRA, RRR, and the ABC search engines infoseek altavista lycos excite webwombat hey if you're really searching you can even try runnning a search for search engines

Cool Magool

Cool Magool

All hail King Cool Magool Beware for the Freddist is on the rise and the time of reckoning fast aproacheth

The Author

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Most images on this page are the orignal work of David Dreimann. Some are from other pages which I have added links too these are easy to spot as the URL of these images is outside Geocities/6236. There reproduction of images, sounds, and text owned by David Dreimann for any purpose without the written consent of David Dreimann is strictly prohibited by copywrite law(s). All photographs taken and altered by David Dreimann with the exception of The Author which was taken by Edward Taylor, developed by David Dreimann and Altered by David Dreimann Copyright 1997 All Right reserved. So There!