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Willie plying his trade on the famous Lambeg Drum
Willie giving a recital on the Whistle
Willie Drennan is a professional performing artist and here is a sample of some of his performances and projects.


Willie has performed at a large number of festivals, theatres, concerts, schools, functions and community events including:
The Belfast Ulster-Scots Festival, The Eden Arts Festival, BBC 2 Television - A Night of Ulster Scots, RadioUlster (various programmes / interviews), The National Museum of Ireland, Clotworthy Arts Centre, Old Museum Arts Centre, The Boyle Arts Festival, The Northern Lights Festival, The Ulster Storytelling Festival,  The Festival at the Edge, the Manchester Irish Festival, The Belfast Literary Festival and the Verbal Arts Centre, Maiden City Festival, University of Limerick, Emory University in Atlanta,U.S.A., Belfast Festival at Queens, Edinburgh Fringe, Port Patrick Folk Festival


Willie has written and developed a variety of stage performances including:
Fae Lang Syne, Burns: A Man For Aa That, Boul Proota Diggers, Boys Fae Upper Buckna, Celtic Connections, Multi Media Performance for Ballymoney Millenium Festival (collaborative work) and five original storytelling  programmes for CBC Radio (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), Wee Book (short stories, poems and songs)

Facilitator/ Educator

Willie has facilitated numerous story and music projects in schools and community groups including:  Ulster Wean Project for the Community Relations Council, Life Stories for North Leitrim Glens, and Story Project for North Belfast Partnership.  He has conducted workshops for various festivals and organizations including the Ballymoney Millenium Festival and the Verbal Arts Centre, presentations to schools for Stranmillis Ulster Scots Curriculum Project  He is also co-ordinator of the Ulster-Scots Folk Orchestra.