Pin-up by Viva Erlanita

Divine Intervention

Angels. Demons. Girls. Guys. Porn stars. Casinos. Some laughs. A little drama. If you like all these things, you might just like Divine Intervention.

Divine Intervention is my comic strip project, posted every tuesday on Monkeyspit. It is in a comic book format, posting a page a week. It tells the story of Steffen, an angel who has lost touch with why he became an angel. He meets Julia, a strong-willed, no-nonsense woman. Unknowingly, the two embark on an epic journey which will end with Steffen's return to the angelic fold or his fall from grace. They are joined along the way by a supporting cast including Dominic, a friendly demon, and Trisha, Julia's sister. Standing in their way is The Adversary, the leader of the evil underworld who wants Steffen to become a fallen angel.

Divine Intervention is has, so far, been my most exciting working experience. After a year of trying my hand at getting into the comics industry, I decided to try my hand at writing my own material for a bit. I've worked with some great writers, like Craig Kemper and Bertrand Lewis Jr. But I wanted a chance to get my feet wet. The only problem is, it's a humor strip and everything I've ever written or come up with in my head is serious drama. So it's been a challenge every time I sit down at the computer to write another page.

Another challenge is artistic. This is the challenge I really wanted. I'm creating for myself a constant workload which means, constant practice on pencilling, inking, and digital coloring. It also means I have the chance to try tons of new techniques, some of them springing from my experience with printmaking. I've been using digital photographs for backgrounds, digital coloring, filters, and all sorts of cool stuff.

Then there's the big challenge that I didn't necessarilly want, but really needed. Deadlines! This is an opportunity to work on making deadlines, which hasn't been my best quality this past year. Doing the writing, pencilling, inking, coloring, and lettering is a challenge, but so far it's worked on well.

Now, I've taken a step further by getting others to take over the art chores for me. This has been both successful and a disappointment. I did get the chance to work with a brilliant artist, Viva Erlanita (seen to the right). She illustrated a short interlude, "She's Leaving Home", and the up-coming story-arc, "Angelic Drama". Working with Viva was a real treat, but unfortunately she won't be able to do anymore story-arcs any time soon because of other projects. I'll return to art chores on the story-arc after that, titled "Exorcising Demons".

Divine Intervention is posted on Monkeyspit every Tuesday. The current story-arc, "Angelic Drama", features the brilliant work of illustrator,Viva Erlanita. This will be followed by "Exorcising Demons", a new story-arc that will be drawn by myself.

Special thanks go out to Monkeyspit's Craig Kemper and Jim McQuarrie for letting me get away with this.

Check back here for updates in the future.

Angelic Drama





Pin-Up by Viva Erlanita

Divine Intervention and all related characters Copyright © 2003 Jeremy Drew. All rights reserved.