Designed by:
Caroline N.
Primary eye care in the U.S. are provided by Doctors of Optometry, who are professionally trained and licensed to diagnose and treat certain eye conditions:

Refractive and binocular vision disorders such as myopia (near-sighted), hyperopia (far-sighted), prebyopia (loss of ability to change focus related to advancing age), astigmatism, vergence and accommodation disorders.  Treatments can be with prescribed glasses, corrective contact lenses, prisms and/or vision therapy.

Contact Lens Fitting can be performed after the doctor has assessed your eye health for any contraindications (such as severe ocular allergies, abnormal tear function, etc.).  Contact lens fitting evaluation involves refraction, measurement of your cornea curvatures, fitting of diagnostic lenses and evaluation of vision and the fit of the lenses on the eye for optimum ocular comfort and health.  These are the reasons why your eyes need yearly evaluation if you are to continue to wear your contact lenses successfully and healthily.

External eye diseases such as dry eye syndrome, ocular allergies, conjunctival and corneal infections, contact dermatitis, and eye injuries.

Glaucoma (Facts) - Diseases of optic nerve manifested through gradual loss of peripheral vision (blurred spots, constricted vision, etc.), which only patients who are in its advanced stages can tell when it's already too late.  GLAUCOMA (EyeQ Quiz on Glaucoma) is usually related to elevated pressure in the eye.  However,  there are cases of optic nerve damage and visual field loss in people with low intraocular pressures.   These are also known as low-tension glaucoma. 

Because of its silent nature, patients should be regularly checked up by their eye doctor to detect early signs of glaucoma.  The only treatment available up to date is to lower the intraocular pressure through hypotensive eye drops or surgical/laser treatments. Researches on etiologies and treatments related to vascular insufficiency are under way.

Neuro Eye Diseases:  Optic neuritis/Multiple Sclerosis, etc.

Age-related macular degeneration and other retinal diseases.

* Ocular manifestations of
systemic diseases such as: diabetes eye diseases      (EyeQ QUIZ on DIABETIC RETINOPATHY),   thyroid eye diseases, ocular inflammation/infecions//uveitis, etc.

Doctors of Optometry also comanages glaucoma surgeries, refractive (LASIK, LASEK, PRK) and cataract surgeries with eye surgeons.
Eye care news and resources:

American Academy of Optometry
Review of Optometry
Optometric Management
National EYE Institute

Digital Grand Rounds: 
Archive Clinical Challenge
Retina Cases
Common short cases
NYEE Digital Atlas of Ophthalmology
University of New Jersey

Contact Lens Spectrum
Sjoren Syndrome Research Foundation
College of Optometrists in Vision Development

Wilmer Eye Institute
@ John Hopskin University
University of Iowa-Dept of Ophthalmology
My Personal Favorites
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 
-Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV-
Care For Your Eyes
Kids' Corner and Older Adults' too!
Health - Focus on Your Child
Eye and Vision Care Quiz
Children's Vision - Infants, Pre-School and School-age
Vision Conditions - Explanations on Farsightedness, Nearsightedness, Astigmatism, Lazy Eyes, Crossed Eyes and other visual symptoms
Computer Vision Syndrome
Contact Lens - Wear and Care

NEWS:  UPDATED Risk factors for Age-related Macular Degeneration
Optometry Practice of
Caroline T. Nguyen, OD, PA
Flower Mound, Texas