CHECK http://www.dgadv.com/dgtv

CHECK http://www.dgadv.com/dgtv


- Next Step is put DGTV realtime, the idea is to have a GPS connected to portable computer in a car/boat/airplane and see realtime your situation towards the terrain. - SRTM Data for Europe and Asia (Eurasia) were finally released on 9 Nov 2003, few adjustments were made to improve the display of SRTM 3arc *.hgt files.
- Edit and Save Terrain Button is now available - The New file Format DG Geographic Information Macro (GIM) is now developed, it allows to mix vectorial and raster information, only one file is for now available that shows Sattelite fotos, elevation data, railroads, higways and water systems, but it's easy to make a GIM file with GPS Utility and a text editor.
- RELEASE 3 IS NOW DONE, you can view on 3D where you've been using a GPS receiver and the program "GPS Utility"(www.gpsu.co.uk) or GPS Track Maker (www.gpstm.com), and a new color rendering engine, will also have a Vista-Pro like user interface
- DG Terrain Viewer R2.3: GTOPO30 NOW SUPPORTED check the new user-friendly converter!!!
Some Thankyous:
- US Agencies: NGDC/NOAA, JPL, NASA, etc. for keeping free and public their GIS Databases
- Ed Garcia (PH) from www.waypoints.ph, for supplying several GPS files
- Alan Murphy (UK) - The maker of GPS Utility
- Nelson "Zilog" Teles (PT) for supplying some source code
- Nuno Pedrosa - For supplying nice and precise calibration points.

New Features (Release 2.1, 23-September 2002):
-Automatic Screen Capture, Direct Render to picture File on PPM format (Portable Pixel Map)

6 kinds of files Supported:
-GTOPO 30 minutes files
-SRTM 3 arcsec files
-SRTM 1 arcsec files
-USGS DEMs and DATs (converter to DRC, supplyed)
-Terrain Base ETOPO 5
-GPS - Use GPS Utility, GPS Track Maker to download tracks and waypoints from your GPS Unit, GPX (GPS Exchange) Format also supported
-DRC - DRC is a multi-purpose ASCII terrain elevation format

-Works on almost any computer with any Windows OS.
-Full Motion, Real-Time moving Camera, use Keyboard Cursor Arrows to navigate thru the Terrain.
-Smooth Shading
-Inteligent diagonalization on grid (Smoother and more realistic Interfaces beetween Land and Sea)
-Adjustable Terrain Detail
-Adjustable Light Direcition
-Configurable Sea Level
-Programmed on Visual C++ 6.0 and OpenGL
-Uses UTF/DGL Graphic Libraries 2nd Generation Terrain Processing

-Full Configurable terrain pallete!

CHECK http://www.dgadv.com/dgtv


This program is FREEWARE, it allows users to virtual visit and study real Landscapes obtained from the recent mapping mission made by JPL & NASA Space Shuttle Topography Mission(SRTM) Launched on Space Shuttle Endeavour, on February 11, 2000 and flew for 11 days. The instument is a complex high-pressision SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), that composed most of the Shuttle's Payload Bay. More information about SRTM can be found on: http://srtm.usgs.gov

This Program is also a demonstration of OpenGL/Visual C++ capabilities. I've made this program only to have some fun.

- By the first time I've successfully achieved to read large files of data (tested files up to 25 MB), distributed by the US National Mapping Agency. This achievement, made me realise that soon, if I want, I will be reading more complex files.

- Using Visual C++, I achived to make a very user-friendly program with buttons and nice windows, the keyboard layout is simple, but if the user wants, he can use the toolbar buttons to move the camera around the landscape.

- Nice graphics were made, thanks to OpenGL (Graphic Libraries), but this time, I realised that if I programmed somethings by myself, such as lights rendering and gouraud shading, the results were pretty ok, but the Graphic Performance was much better then the OpenGL primitives...

- Is now available viewing for the 1arcseg and 3arcseg SRTM or ".hgt" files, you can also read and display ETOPO5 "tbase.bin", GTOPO30 is also supported, it is supplied with DGTV zipfile a proper "select a rectangle on the world" converter

- On May 2003, I've added support to read GPS files, you can now see your tracks and waypoints projected on the terrain mesh. Personaly, I'm using DG Terrain Viewer very enthusiasticly, When I go out to geocaching or ride my bycicle, and use my GPS, when I'm back at home, the first thing I do is turn on the computer and see my track and waypoints over and beetween the mountains.

Screen Shots:

Photo#1 - San Francisco Bay Area.

Photo#2 - Grand Canyon - Colorado, in this picture you can notice the Auto Color Feature.

Photo#3 - Europe from ETOPO5, notice the pretty cool gouraud / smooth shading.

Photo#4 -Anchorage Alaska, notice the beautifulll rocky formations.

Photo#5 - Timor, Mozambique, Italy, California and the Himalayas all from GTOPO30

Photo#6 - The Nothern Phillpines from GTOPO 30 with a Track and Waypoints from GPS Utility

Photo#7 - Lisbon, this Foto shows the Portuguese macro file, this alows to mix several kinds of geographic information, see the sample on http://aero.ist.utl.pt/~dg


DG Terrain Viewer R3 Relase 3.3.0 - aprox. 3900 kb - FreeWare, Full Featured, Check the Readme.txt included

DXF to GPSu and GTM Converter - aprox. 673 kb - Some utils to convert information on UTM grid, EURO50 DATUM, to WGS84

DG Terrain Viewer R3 SDK (for developpers only) - aprox. 500 kb - This is the DGTV R3 Source Code with some few limitations, distributed under a GNU General Public License

Earth Screen Saver - If you wish to contribute to this project, please buy a copy of my cool screensaver by following the link. DGTV is facing some trouble with web hosting and the collected funds will be used to upgrade it. Thank you very much.

Input files:

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTMs
- 1-arcseg and 3-arcseg tiles
- resolution: 1 arc seconds and 3 arc seconds (approximately 30 and 90 meters)
- coverage: United States (30m), North & South America, Europe and Asia (90m)
- Web site: http://edcsgs9.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/srtm/
- See Also: Perfect SRTM Project

DRCs Digital Elevation Maps Download
- coverage: Some places all around the world
- Web site: DRCs Digital Elevation Maps Download Site
- If you want your country featured here, just drop me a mail and I'll put it on the download list as soon as I can.

GPS Files:
- Use Your GPS Receiver and GPS Utility(recommended) or GPS Track Maker
- Waypoints from the Philipines Islands: www.waypoints.ph

NOTICE TO USERS: Some of the files download on the listed sites must be converted to DRC format before being used with DG-Terrain Viewer using the proper converter named KONVERSOR supplied with DG Terrain Viewer:

GTOPO30 files
- 30-seconds tiles
- resolution: 30 seconds (approximately 1 kilometer)
- coverage: WORLD
- Web site: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/topo/gltiles.shtml
- If the website doesn't works, use a ftp client on: ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/GLOBE_DEM

15-minute (1:63,360-scale) DEMs
- 15-minute tiles
- resolution: 2 by 3 arc seconds (approxximately 60 meters)
- coverage: Alaska
- Web site: http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/usgs/geodata/dem/63K/dem63k.html

1-degree (1:250,000-scale) DEMs
- 1-degree tiles
- resolution: 3 arc seconds (approximateely 90 meters)
- coverage: United States (including Alaska and Hawaii), Puerto Rico
- Web site: http://edc.usgs.gov/glis/hyper/guide/1_dgr_demfig/states.html

NOTICE TO USERS: The files download on the listed sites must be converted to DRC format before being used with DG-Terrain Viewer using the proper converter named KONVERSOR supplied with DG Terrain Viewer:


David Gil (Portugal) student of Aerospace Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). Also Computer Graphics and GIS Developer. Flight Simulator Player

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DG - Terrain Viewer is a Registred Software, protected by international laws.

DG - Terrain Viewer is Freeware and may be freely distributed by any mean and used by all the world.

All precautions were taken in order to make DG Terrain Viewer safe to use, althought, the author will not be responsible if anyone remembers to give any evil use to this program neither if this program makes any kind of undesireable effects on your Computer.

System Requirements:

DG Terrain Viewer will work quite happily on a Windows 95 OSR2 Operating System with a 150 MHz processor, 32 MB of RAM and a 10 MB of free-space in your hard-drive,

Althought is recomended at least a 700 MHz wiht Windows 2000 or Windows XP, an Acellerator Card, 128 MB of RAM.

David Gil Copyright, November 2003