Winner of the Ojo del Lago Fiction Award

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Hungry, homeless and in trouble with the law, fleeing from the Irish Famine, sixteen year old Kevin Dillion enlists in the American Army. When he discovers that the "Army of Observation" in Texas is actually poised for an invasion of a peaceful Catholic country, Kevin and his friends slip across the Rio Bravo at night. There, they join with John Riley of the St. Patrick's (San Patricio) Battalion and fight for the Mexican side.

The last of the recruits, a golden-eyed Doberman dubbed Molly Malone, proves to be a warrior of unquestioned loyalty and courage. She follows Kevin and the Irishmen through the deadliest of battles even to the gallows at Mixcoac where thirty of them are hanged.

In this remarkable re-creation Michael Hogan brings the history of the era alive with all its violence with sex, contradictions and ideals, romance and glory. And, underneath it all, is the poignant tale of a boy and his dog.


"Hogan is a master craftsman, quiet, gentle, with a positive uplifting humor."

- Rochelle Ratner, Library Journal


"Michael Hogan eloquently communicates strong feelings and cultural memories of both Ireland and Mexico that have been virtually eliminated in most books on the subject. These realities must never be forgotten. Most authors have referred to the San Patricios as drunks, misfits and confused young men. Hogan manages to sidestep these stereotypes in an attempt to se the record straight."

- Mark Day, Irish America Magazine


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