My site is now on its own domain name:

More About My Interests

If you're interested in finding out more about me and/or my school related information you have to check out my about me page. I separated them from my list of interests because the list was getting too long. This should let you load the pages faster and hopefully find things more quickly. If you want to go directly to one of the two sections, you can jump straight to my biography and description or my school and work information. Or, if you haven't yet seen my main index page you can check that out.

For this year (2009), I'd like to highlight the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) marking the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. A few highlights: 365 Days of Astronomy producing a new astronomy podcast episode for every day of 2009 and Galileoscope telescope kits are now on sale if you want to pick up your own high-quality telescope for a low cost ($15, and you'd be hard-pressed to find something better than the Galileoscope at that price). Some past highlights: 100 Hours of Astronomy on April 2-5 and You Decide Hubble's Next Discovery. For additional information, you can try the international IYA site above or the US Node's IYA Site. There are many activities all around the globe all year long, and everyone should find something of interest to help them rediscover their place in the universe and realize the impact of astronomy and basic science on our daily lives, so I encourage you to participate in whatever way you can.

Interests, Hobbies, Links, etc.

Here are some of my hobbies, interests, etc. I've tried to order the list (roughly) with things I'm doing more often or just want to promote more closer to the top and other things further down. I've got lots of interests though and some come and go, so it's pretty hard to have any type of order be accurate for any length of time. Just keep that in mind and expect changes now and then. I've decided to add in a set of quick links to the different interest categories below, mainly because it's kind of big and it will save some scrolling up and down the page. So here they are: lists, parakeets/budgies, ballroom dancing, music, science, learning, cartoons/anime, sumo, professional wrestling, martial arts, computers etc., Australian rules football, role playing games, interactive fiction, gamebooks, collectible card games, shortwave radio, radio scanning, old time radio, calligraphy, MST3K, British comedies, science fiction, Sherlock Holmes, tea, wine, high IQ societies, numbers, games/puzzles, warlording, miscellaneous.

Closing Notes

Well, I think that's plenty of information for now. If you really need to know more, then you're going to have to e-mail me (see below) and ask for specific information. But for now, go on back to my main/index page or my about me page if you want to know more about me.

James Marshall (plain ASCII text only, please, here's why)
This page was last updated on July 7, 2009.

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The views expressed on this page, all its subpages located on this site, and all its parent pages located on this site (when applicable) are solely the views of myself, James Marshall, and in no way, neither explicit nor implied, reflect the views of any group, organization, society, etc. of which I am a member. All external sites linked to from my site are the responsibility of their owners. Some pages on my site may have additional disclaimers that apply in addition to this one.

Abbreviation List | Annoy Physics Prof. | Astronomy Acronyms | Astronomy Programs | Ballroom Dancing | Code of Chivalry | The Desiderata | Home Page Awards | Honor Societies Info | Index Page | Info About Me | Interests, Hobbies, and Links | My Geek Codes | My Warlords | Professor Quotes | Smiley List | Why Shy Men Are Better |