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Dr. Suptendra Nath Sarbadhikari
BHU (Official) BHU (Alumni) CNMC SLOBA PSG-IMSR AMRITA IITKGP ISICAL SMUHMTS Online Course @ Amrita At OpenMed List of FAIMER Fellows PSG-FAIMER RI Fellows' Activities
                                  Receiving "Shri Shyam Lal Saxena Memorial Award 2000-2001" from NAMS

I am a medical doctor who has done PhD in Biomedical Engineering from IT,BHU. Presently Founding Chair of Biomedical Informatics at PSG IMS&R, Coimbatore, INDIA.

My father is Sri Sarojendra Nath (Practising Company Secretary & litterateur) and mother is Smt. Anima (Sinha).

Orkut profile Shelfari profile Sarbadhikaris
Quizzing and reading books
LAST UPDATED: June 08, 2009
My wife Dr. Anindya and daughter Sohini take up most of my time when I am not at my workplace
At Pubmed-1; At Pubmed-2; At Wikipedia; Formerly, the Chair of Citizendium Editorial Council; Chapter in a Book; Review Paper on Chaos in the Brain; First Paper; Paper on IFS-GA EEG compression; Sample DDSS; Paper on HIV Modeling in Proc. NCNSD-2003; Paper on Medical Informatics in IJPP-2004; Paper on Automated Diagnosis; Open Access paper on neuroinformatics; Book Authored; Book Authored: International Edition; Open Access paper on CDSS; Edited Book; Paper on Optimizing Web Search for Medical Education; Bangla translation of "Open Access"; Current Home Page; Academic Home Page; Home Page - 3; Home Page - 4; PSG FAIMER RI Fellowship; Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Journal of Medical Informatics; Member of the Editorial Board of MENPA; Tutor of HL7 e-learning course; Open Access paper on designing e-learning course; Blog at SciTopics; Course Coordinator for Online Certificate Course on Health Informatics Departmental Home Page Chair, Education Committee, HL7 India