Diamonds in the Rough

Kiana's Art

Welcome to the depths of Kiana's imagination. Here is where you can find various pictures of characters from video games (Most of which she doesn't even own), anime characters, and her own D&D and story characters.

Also, if I ever think of anything to write about, I might put up a story section. In the meantime it's just art.

I KNOW this is badly organized, but I'm still just starting! Cut me some slack!

If you have any comments about this page, email them to me at

Rather than keep all of my piccys on the same page as the rest of the junk, I put it all here.

Care to draw or view a few of Kiana's other pictures? Come to the Groupboard!

I made a PAGE for my insane Rockman.EXE spritecomic thing! Yay! Here it is.

My friend Dark Phoenix wrote some weight-converter program thing for Mac. I dunno. Check it out here, I guess.